Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands source _N_A_M_E source Read a file and evaluate it as a Tcl script. SYNTAX string source [-echo] [-verbose] _f_i_l_e string _f_i_l_e ARGUMENTS -echo Echoes each command as it is executed. Note that this option is a non-standard extension to Tcl. -verbose Displays the result of each command executed. Note that error messages are displayed regardless. Also note that this option is a non-standard extension to Tcl. _f_i_l_e Script file to read. DESCRIPTION The source command reads commands from _f_i_l_e and passes each one to the command interpreter. The result of the source command is the result of the last command executed from the file. If an error occurs in evaluating the contents of the file, the source command displays that error. If a return command is invoked from within the file, the remainder of the file is skipped and the source command returns normally with the result from the return command. By default, source works quietly, like UNIX. It is possible to get various other intermediate information from the source command using the -echo and -verbose options. The -echo option echoes each command as it appears in the script. The -verbose option echoes the result of each command after execution. NOTE: To emulate the behavior of the dc_shell include command, use both of these options. The file name can be a fully expanded file name and can v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 source 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference begin with a tilde. Under normal circumstances, the file is searched for based only on what you typed. However, if the system variable sh_source_uses_search_path is set to "true", the file is searched for based on the path established with the search_path variable. EXAMPLES This example reads in a script of aliases: prompt> source -echo aliases.tcl alias q quit alias hv {help -verbose} alias include {source -echo -verbose} prompt> SEE ALSO search_path(3), _s_h__s_o_u_r_c_e__u_s_e_s__s_e_a_r_c_h__p_a_t_h(_3). 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0