Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands update_chip _N_A_M_E update_chip Update chip SYNTAX string update_chip [-recur] [-force] [-progress] [_L_i_s_t _o_f _c_h_i_p_s] string _L_i_s_t _o_f _c_h_i_p_s ARGUMENTS -recur Recursive update. Recursively updates the dependencies of the chip before updating the chip itself. -force Force update. Updates the chip even if the chip is up to date. -progress Show progress. Displays the progress messages while updating the chip. _L_i_s_t _o_f _c_h_i_p_s Chips to be updated (e.g. tutor). DESCRIPTION Updates chip. A pre-optimized chip will be re- elaborated if any of the designs used in the chip are out of date with respect to their source. An optimized chip will be re-optimized and/or re-elaborated if changes have been made to the source files, constraints, or optimization options. If "-force" option is set, the chip will be updated even if it is still up to date. If "-recur" option is set, it will first update the chip's underlying design files before updating the chip itself. INCREMENTAL UPDATE By default, updating an optimized chip re-optimizes all modules in the chip when the chip's corresponding pre- optimized chip is newer than the optimized chip. When two or more blocks are defined on a chip, the incremental mode is enabled. Blocks are defined using the command set_module_block(2). In this incremental mode, instead of re-optimizing all the modules when the pre-optimized chip is newer than the optimized chip, only the modules contained in a block which are out- of-date with respect to their block in the pre- optimized chip are re-optimized. v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 update_chip 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference When the incremental mode is enabled, update will produce messages which indicate which optimized designs are out-of-date. For example: The optimized version of module 'test' is older than its implemented/elaborated version - discarding the optimized module. EXAMPLES fe_shell > optimize_chip tutor fe_shell > update_chip -force -recur tutor SEE ALSO update_file (2), update_library (2), update_project (2), set_module_block (2) 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0