Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands update_file _N_A_M_E update_file Update file SYNTAX string update_file [-force] [-progress] [_L_i_s_t _o_f _f_i_l_e_s] string _L_i_s_t _o_f _f_i_l_e_s ARGUMENTS -force Force update. Updates the file even if it is already up-to-date. -progress Show progress. Displays the progress messages while updating the file. _L_i_s_t _o_f Files to be updated (e.g., *.vhd). List of files to be updated is specified. Single files can also be specified. This is a required argument. DESCRIPTION This command reanalyzes the file specified. It is similar to the analyze_file command. Analysis of a file is done when it is out of date with respect to its source. If force is used, always analyze the file. For VHDL and Verilog files, the analysis does syntax checking and synthesis policy checking and converts the source files into intermediate representations ready for elaboration. For EDIF and XNF , analysis only reads the files into the project. EXAMPLES This example analyzes an already analyzed file. fe_shell > update_file /tmp/vhdl/test1.vhd It can be used to analyze the file which has not been analyzed previously. v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 update_file 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference fe_shell > add_file -format Verilog /tmp/Verilog/test5.v fe_shell > list_files VHDL OK /tmp/vhdl/test1.vhd (WORK) Verilog Unanalyzed /tmp/verilog/test5.v (WORK) fe_shell > update_file /tmp/verilog/test5.v fe_shell > list_design -library WORK test1_vhd (/tmp/vhdl/test1.vhd) (WORK) test5_v (/tmp/verilog/test5.v) (WORK) SEE ALSO add_file (2), list_files (2), list_design (2), open_project (2). 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0