Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands update_project _N_A_M_E update_project Update project SYNTAX string update_project [-force] [-progress] ARGUMENTS -force Force update. Analyze source files, create new implementations and optimize all chips in the project. All steps are executed even if the files, chips, or projects are up-to-date. -progress Show progress. If enabled, progress messages will be displayed while update project is running. DESCRIPTION This command updates all the files, pre-optimized chips and optimized chips in the project. The messages, warnings, and errors produced while updating the files, chips, and optimized chips are stored with the corresponding files, chips and optimized chips. If the -force option is used then all files will be re- analyzed, all chips will be recreated, all optimized chips will be re-optimized, and all exported chips will be re-exported. EXAMPLES This example creates a project, adds a file, analyzes it and create a chip. It then creates a subpath and forces an update on the project. fe_shell > create_project -d . my_proj fe_shell > add_file my_file.vhd fe_shell > analyze_file fe_shell > create_chip -t VIRTEX -name my_chip AM2910 fe_shell > create_subpath -from_name my_from -to_name my_to -from_list /AM2910/U1/C339 -to_list /AM2910/U1/C340 -maxd 50 (RC,CLOCK):(RC,CLOCK) fe_shell > update_project -force v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 update_project 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference SEE ALSO create_project(2),analyze_file(2), _c_r_e_a_t_e__c_h_i_p(_2),optimize_chip(2), _e_x_p_o_r_t__c_h_i_p(_2) 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0