while(n) Tcl Built-In Commands while(n) _________________________________________________________________ NAME while - Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met SYNOPSIS while _t_e_s_t _b_o_d_y _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION The _w_h_i_l_e command evaluates _t_e_s_t as an expression (in the same way that expr evaluates its argument). The value of the expression must a proper boolean value; if it is a true value then _b_o_d_y is executed by passing it to the Tcl inter- preter. Once _b_o_d_y has been executed then _t_e_s_t is evaluated again, and the process repeats until eventually _t_e_s_t evalu- ates to a false boolean value. Continue commands may be executed inside _b_o_d_y to terminate the current iteration of the loop, and break commands may be executed inside _b_o_d_y to cause immediate termination of the while command. The while command always returns an empty string. KEYWORDS boolean value, loop, test, while Tcl Last change: 1