Command Reference 3. Attributes and Variablesproj_export_directory _N_A_M_E proj_export_directory SYNTAX _S_t_r_i_n_g proj_export_directory = _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _n_a_m_e DESCRIPTION All files will be exported to the directory set by proj_export_directory.The directory can be specified either by absolute or relative path.The directory must be writable by the user. If a directory is specified with export_chip command, files will be exported to the directory specified by export_chip and not to the directory set by proj_export_directory. To determine the current value of this variable, use fe_shell > printvar proj_export_directory. EXAMPLES In the following example the proj_export_directory is set to proj_dir. The export_chip command is used without the -dir option. Hence all files will be exported to proj_dir. fe_shell >add_file prep4.vhd fe_shell >analyze_file fe_shell >create_chip -target VIRTEX -name p_v prep4 fe_shell >current_chip -name p_v fe_shell >optimize_chip -name p_v_opt fe_shell >proj_export_directory=proj_dir fe_shell >export_chip fe_shell >quit In the following example proj_export_directory is set to proj_dir. The chip export directory is specified as chip_dir. All files will be exported to chip_dir. fe_shell >create_project -dir . fesproj fe_shell >add_file prep4.vhd fe_shell >analyze_file fe_shell >create_chip -target VIRTEX -name p_v prep4 fe_shell >current_chip -name p_v fe_shell >optimize_chip -name prep4_opt fe_shell >proj_export_directory=proj_dir fe_shell >export_chip -dir chip_dir fe_shell >quit v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 3-1 proj_export_directory3. Attributes and Variables Command Reference SEE ALSO set_chip_export_directory(2), export_chip(2) 3-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0