Command Reference 3. Attributes and Variables proj_xnfin_bus_style _N_A_M_E proj_xnfin_bus_style SYNTAX _S_t_r_i_n_g proj_xnfin_bus_style = _b_u_s__s_t_y_l_e__e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n DESCRIPTION This bus style is used for reading XNF net-lists when your target technology is Xilinx. If you are mixing HDL code with XNF modules, you may need to specify how the buses of the design are expanded into individual signals because XNF has a wide variety of bus styles. If FPGA Express cannot determine which individual signals in the XNF net-list to map to the bus signals defined in the HDL code, you might get a "Failed to Link" Error message. The most probable XNF format is the default: "%s<%d>" This variable only exists when a project is opened or created. To determine the current value of this variable, use fe_shell > printvar proj_xnfin_bus_style. v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 3-1