Command Reference 3. Attributes and Variablessh_command_abbrev_mode _N_A_M_E sh_command_abbrev_mode SYNTAX _s_t_r_i_n_g sh_command_abbrev_mode = Anywhere DESCRIPTION Command abbreviation is meant as an interactive convenience. Script files should probably not use any command or option abbreviation because these files are then susceptible to command changes in subsequent versions of the application. Although the default value is "Anywhere", it is recommended that the site startup file for the application set this variable to "Command-Line-Only". It is also possible to set the value to "None", which disables abbreviation altogether. To determine the current value of this variable, use printvar sh_command_abbrev_mode. SEE ALSO printvar(2). v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 3-1