--------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction. -- No declarations or definitions shall be included in this package. -- -- **************************************************************** -- * * -- * W A R N I N G * -- * * -- * This DRAFT version IS NOT endorsed or approved by IEEE * -- * * -- **************************************************************** -- -- Title: PACKAGE MATH_REAL -- -- Library: This package shall be compiled into a library -- symbolically named IEEE. -- -- Purpose: VHDL declarations for mathematical package MATH_REAL -- which contains common real constants, common real -- functions, and real trascendental functions. -- -- Author: Based on work by IEEE VHDL Math Package Study Group -- -- Notes: -- The package body shall be considered the formal definition of -- the semantics of this package. Tool developers may choose to implement -- the package body in the most efficient manner available to them. -- -- History: -- Version 0.4 JAT 4/15/93 ------------------------------------------------------------- Library IEEE; Package MATH_REAL is --synopsys synthesis_off constant MATH_E : real := 2.71828_18284_59045_23536; -- value of e constant MATH_1_E: real := 0.36787_94411_71442_32160; -- value of 1/e constant MATH_PI : real := 3.14159_26535_89793_23846; -- value of pi constant MATH_1_PI : real := 0.31830_98861_83790_67154; -- value of 1/pi constant MATH_LOG_OF_2: real := 0.69314_71805_59945_30942; -- natural log of 2 constant MATH_LOG_OF_10: real := 2.30258_50929_94045_68402; -- natural log of10 constant MATH_LOG2_OF_E: real := 1.44269_50408_88963_4074; -- log base 2 of e constant MATH_LOG10_OF_E: real := 0.43429_44819_03251_82765; -- log base 10 of e constant MATH_SQRT2: real := 1.41421_35623_73095_04880; -- sqrt of 2 constant MATH_SQRT1_2: real := 0.70710_67811_86547_52440; -- sqrt of 1/2 constant MATH_SQRT_PI: real := 1.77245_38509_05516_02730; -- sqrt of pi constant MATH_DEG_TO_RAD: real := 0.01745_32925_19943_29577; -- conversion factor from degree to radian constant MATH_RAD_TO_DEG: real := 57.29577_95130_82320_87685; -- conversion factor from radian to degree -- -- attribute for functions whose implementation is foreign (C native) -- -- attribute FOREIGN: string; -- predefined attribute in VHDL-1992 -- function SIGN (X: real ) return real; -- returns 1.0 if X > 0.0; 0.0 if X == 0.0; -1.0 if X < 0.0 function CEIL (X : real ) return real; -- returns smallest integer value (as real) not less than X function FLOOR (X : real ) return real; -- returns largest integer value (as real) not greater than X function ROUND (X : real ) return real; -- returns FLOOR(X + 0.5) if X > 0.0; -- return CEIL(X - 0.5) if X < 0.0 function FMAX (X, Y : real ) return real; -- returns the algebraically larger of X and Y function FMIN (X, Y : real ) return real; -- returns the algebraically smaller of X and Y function SRAND (seed: in integer ) return integer; -- attribute FOREIGN of SRAND: function is "C_NATIVE"; -- for VHDL-1992 standard -- -- sets value of seed for sequence of pseudo-random numbers. -- returns the value of the seed. -- It uses the native C function srand(). function RAND return integer; -- attribute FOREIGN of RAND: function is "C_NATIVE"; -- for VHDL-1992 standard -- -- returns an integer pseudo-random number with uniform distribution. -- It uses the native C function rand(). -- Seed for the sequence is initialized with the -- SRAND() function and value of the seed is changed every -- time SRAND() is called, but it is not visible. -- The range of generated values is platform dependent. function GET_RAND_MAX return integer; -- attribute FOREIGN of GET_RAND_MAX: function is "C_NATIVE"; -- for VHDL-1992 standard -- -- returns the upper bound of the range of the -- pseudo-random numbers generated by RAND(). -- The support for this function is platform dependent. -- It may not be available in some platforms. -- Note: the value of (RAND() / GET_RAND_MAX()) is a -- pseudo-random number distributed between 0 & 1. function SQRT (X : real ) return real; -- returns square root of X; X >= 0.0 function CBRT (X : real ) return real; -- returns cube root of X function "**" (X : integer; Y : real) return real; -- returns Y power of X ==> X**Y; -- error if X = 0 and Y <= 0.0 -- error if X < 0 and Y does not have an integral value function "**" (X : real; Y : real) return real; -- returns Y power of X ==> X**Y; -- error if X = 0.0 and Y <= 0.0 -- error if X < 0.0 and Y does not have an integral value function EXP (X : real ) return real; -- returns e**X; where e = MATH_E function LOG (X : real ) return real; -- returns natural logarithm of X; X > 0 function LOG (BASE: positive; X : real) return real; -- returns logarithm base BASE of X; X > 0 function SIN (X : real ) return real; -- returns sin X; X in radians function COS ( X : real ) return real; -- returns cos X; X in radians function TAN (X : real ) return real; -- returns tan X; X in radians -- X /= ((2k+1) * PI/2), where k is an integer function ASIN (X : real ) return real; -- returns -PI/2 < asin X < PI/2; | X | <= 1.0 function ACOS (X : real ) return real; -- returns 0 < acos X < PI; | X | <= 1.0 function ATAN (X : real) return real; -- returns -PI/2 < atan X < PI/2 function ATAN2 (X : real; Y : real) return real; -- returns atan (X/Y); -PI < atan2(X,Y) < PI; Y /= 0.0 function SINH (X : real) return real; -- hyperbolic sine; returns (e**X - e**(-X))/2 function COSH (X : real) return real; -- hyperbolic cosine; returns (e**X + e**(-X))/2 function TANH (X : real) return real; -- hyperbolic tangent; -- returns (e**X - e**(-X))/(e**X + e**(-X)) function ASINH (X : real) return real; -- returns ln( X + sqrt( X**2 + 1)) function ACOSH (X : real) return real; -- returns ln( X + sqrt( X**2 - 1)); X >= 1.0 function ATANH (X : real) return real; -- returns (ln( (1 + X)/(1 - X)))/2 ; | X | < 1.0 --synopsys synthesis_on end MATH_REAL;