---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction -- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file -- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. -- -- Package name: ATTRIBUTES -- -- Purpose: This package defines the attributes associated with -- the Synopsys VHDL System Simulator and the HDL compiler. -- The simulator specific attributes are built into the -- the analyzer, so this source should not be analyzed on -- the Synopsys VHDL System Simulator. It is provided for -- reference and portability to other systems. -- -- Author: JT, PH, GWH, RV -- -- Modified. Added translate_off and translate_on pairs because -- HDL compiler does not use/support the simulator specific attributes -- in this package. -- -- Modified: Apr 30, 1996, PZ: Moved the three BC attributes -- (dont_unroll, variables, synthesis_type) to this package. -- Modified: Nov 25, 1996, PZ: Removed the three BC attributes -- (dont_unroll, variables, synthesis_type) from this package. -- They are now in the behavioral package again. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simulator specific attributes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- attributes for type conversion functions, SDF backannotation and -- resolution functions -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- package ATTRIBUTES is --synopsys translate_off attribute CLOSELY_RELATED_TCF: boolean; attribute PROPAGATE_VALUE: string; attribute SDT_CONDITION: string; attribute SDT_VALUE_NAME: string; attribute SDT_VALUE: string; attribute REFLEXIVE: boolean; attribute COMMUTATIVE: boolean; attribute ASSOCIATIVE: boolean; attribute RESULT_INITIAL_VALUE: integer; attribute TABLE_NAME: string; attribute REAL_NAME: string; attribute PRIVATE: boolean; attribute UNPRIVATE: boolean; attribute ASIC_CELL: boolean; attribute DIVERT_MESSAGES: boolean; -- Note: type BUILTIN_TYPE and attributes BUILTIN and EXTRA_SPACE -- will be phased out after Elroy. This is to move towards -- the upcoming '92 standard. type BUILTIN_TYPE is (VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE, LMSI, C_BEHAVIOR, VHDL_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_STD_LOGIC); attribute BUILTIN: BUILTIN_TYPE; attribute EXTRA_SPACE: positive; -- Note: ### For the '92 standard, attribute FOREIGN must be -- moved to package STANDARD. attribute FOREIGN : STRING; -- CLI (C Language Interface) attributes type CLI_PIN_SENSITIVITY is (CLI_PASSIVE, CLI_EVENT, CLI_ACTIVE); attribute CLI_ELABORATE : STRING; -- components only attribute CLI_EVALUATE : STRING; -- components only attribute CLI_ERROR : STRING; -- components only attribute CLI_CLOSE : STRING; -- components only attribute CLI_PIN : CLI_PIN_SENSITIVITY; -- components only attribute CLI_FUNCTION : STRING; -- functions only attribute CLI_PROCEDURE : STRING; -- procedures only attribute CLI_POSTPONED : BOOLEAN; -- components only -- Logic Modeling Corporation (LMC) interface attributes: type LMSI_DELAY_TYPE_TYPE is (TYPICAL, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM); attribute LMSI_DELAY_TYPE : LMSI_DELAY_TYPE_TYPE; type LMSI_TIMING_MEASUREMENT_TYPE is (DISABLED, ENABLED); attribute LMSI_TIMING_MEASUREMENT: LMSI_TIMING_MEASUREMENT_TYPE; type LMSI_LOG_TYPE is (DISABLED, ENABLED); attribute LMSI_LOG: LMSI_LOG_TYPE; type LMSI_DELAY_ED_TYPE is (ENABLED, DISABLED); attribute LMSI_DELAY: LMSI_DELAY_ED_TYPE; type LMSI_TIMING_VIOLATIONS_TYPE is (ENABLED, DISABLED); attribute LMSI_TIMING_VIOLATIONS: LMSI_TIMING_VIOLATIONS_TYPE; type LMSI_XPROP_TYPE is (DISABLED, ENABLED); attribute LMSI_XPROP: LMSI_XPROP_TYPE; type LMSI_XPROP_METHOD_TYPE is (PREVIOUS, HIGH, LOW, FLOAT); attribute LMSI_XPROP_METHOD: LMSI_XPROP_METHOD_TYPE; -- Zycad XP interface attributes: type BACKPLANE_TYPE is (XP, VERILOG, VIP); attribute BACKPLANE: BACKPLANE_TYPE; -- Attribute to instantiate a Model Bank component in the Zycad -- XP box. type ENCRYPTION_TYPE is (MODELBANK); attribute ENCRYPTION: ENCRYPTION_TYPE; -- Attribute to specify the EDIF file for an architecture. This -- attribute can be specified in architecture(s) where the structural -- information is in EDIF and we want to use it. This should be used -- in conjunction with BACKPLANE attribute. attribute EDIF_FILE_FOR_THIS_ARCHITECTURE: string; attribute VERILOG_FILES_FOR_THIS_ARCHITECTURE: string; -- The following two attributes are used to specify the physical -- filename of the EDIF file containing the definitions of cell(s) or -- entity(s) from a package and the EDIF library name used in the -- above EDIF file. attribute EDIF_LIBRARY_FILENAME: string; attribute EDIF_LIBRARY_NAME: string; -- XPMSW -- XP attribute for a component which is described by a ZYCAD -- CBMOD. attribute ZYCAD_XP_CBMOD : BOOLEAN; -- This attribute is used to specify the initialization file for -- RAM(s) and ROM(s). attribute MVL7_MEM_INITFILE: string; -- attributes for the function units bus (funbus) type FUNBUS_TYPE is (LAI,CBMOD); attribute FUNBUS : FUNBUS_TYPE; attribute CHANGE_SIMPLE_NAME : string; attribute CHECKOUT_LICENSE : string; attribute COMPILED_SYSTEM : boolean; attribute USE_FULL_NAME : boolean; attribute USE_SIMPLE_NAME : boolean; --synopsys translate_on -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HDL compiler specific Attributes attribute async_set_reset : string; attribute sync_set_reset : string; attribute async_set_reset_local : string; attribute sync_set_reset_local : string; attribute async_set_reset_local_all : string; attribute sync_set_reset_local_all : string; attribute one_hot : string; attribute one_cold : string; attribute infer_mux : string; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- design compiler constraints and attributes attribute ARRIVAL : REAL; attribute DONT_TOUCH : BOOLEAN; attribute DONT_TOUCH_NETWORK : BOOLEAN; attribute DRIVE_STRENGTH : REAL; attribute EQUAL : BOOLEAN; attribute FALL_ARRIVAL : REAL; attribute FALL_DRIVE : REAL; attribute LOAD : REAL; attribute LOGIC_ONE : BOOLEAN; attribute LOGIC_ZERO : BOOLEAN; attribute MAX_AREA : REAL; attribute MAX_DELAY : REAL; attribute MAX_FALL_DELAY : REAL; attribute MAX_RISE_DELAY : REAL; attribute MAX_TRANSITION : REAL; attribute MIN_DELAY : REAL; attribute MIN_FALL_DELAY : REAL; attribute MIN_RISE_DELAY : REAL; attribute OPPOSITE : BOOLEAN; attribute RISE_ARRIVAL : REAL; attribute RISE_DRIVE : REAL; attribute UNCONNECTED : BOOLEAN; attribute INFER_MULTIBIT : STRING; -- state machine attributes attribute STATE_VECTOR : STRING; -- resource sharing attributes subtype resource is integer; attribute ADD_OPS : STRING; attribute DONT_MERGE_WITH : STRING; attribute MAP_TO_MODULE : STRING; attribute IMPLEMENTATION : STRING; attribute MAY_MERGE_WITH : STRING; attribute OPS : STRING; -- general attributes attribute ENUM_ENCODING : STRING; -- optimization attributes attribute TRANSFORM_CONST_MULT : boolean; -- Added to support Xilinx (as part of the 'IMAGE project) attribute RELATIVE_LOCATION : string; -- end ATTRIBUTES;