---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction -- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file -- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. -- -- Package name: BV_ARITHMETIC -- -- Purpose: -- A set of functions for conversions from BIT_VECTOR to -- INTEGER and vice versa, as well as for arithmetic -- operations with bit vectors. -- -- This package is built in to the analyzer, so this source -- should not be analyzed on the Synopsys VHDL system for -- simulation. It is provided for reference and portability -- to other systems. -- -- Modified to add subpgm_id attribute (SR) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- package BV_ARITHMETIC is -- unsigned bit vector to integer -- discards all bits other than rightmost wordlength-1 FUNCTION bvtoi(x: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN INTEGER; -- signed bit vector to integer -- discards all bits other than rightmost wordlength FUNCTION sbvtoi(x: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN INTEGER; -- integer to bit_vector conversion -- returns bit_vector(length-1 downto 0) if length >= 0, null range otherwise FUNCTION itobv(x: INTEGER; length: INTEGER) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; -- sign extend bit vector (x) to length, length < 0 is same as length = 0 -- returns bit_vector(length-1 downto 0) FUNCTION sxt(x: BIT_VECTOR; length: INTEGER) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; -- zero extend bit vector (x) to length, length < 0 is same as length = 0 -- returns bit_vector(length-1 downto 0) FUNCTION ext(x: BIT_VECTOR; length: INTEGER) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; -- add left + right bit vectors, sign extending the shorter one -- returns bit_vector(max(left'length,right'length)-1 downto 0) FUNCTION "+"(left: BIT_VECTOR; right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; -- sub left - right bit vectors, sign extending the shorter one -- returns bit_vector(max(left'length,right'length)-1 downto 0) FUNCTION "-"(left: BIT_VECTOR; right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; -- 2's complement (negative) of bit vector (right) -- returns bit_vector(right'length-1 downto 0) FUNCTION "-"(right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; -- absolute value of bit vector (right) -- returns bit_vector(right'length-1 downto 0) FUNCTION "abs"(right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR; end BV_ARITHMETIC; package body BV_ARITHMETIC is type BVUNSIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of BIT; type BVSIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of BIT; FUNCTION "+"(L: BVSIGNED; R: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED; FUNCTION "-"(L: BVSIGNED; R: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED; FUNCTION "-"(L: INTEGER; R: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED; FUNCTION "ABS"(L: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED; FUNCTION C_INTEGER(ARG: BVUNSIGNED) return INTEGER; FUNCTION C_INTEGER(ARG: BVSIGNED) return INTEGER; FUNCTION C_UNSIGNED(ARG: BVUNSIGNED; SIZE: INTEGER) return BVUNSIGNED; FUNCTION C_SIGNED(ARG: INTEGER; SIZE: INTEGER) return BVSIGNED; FUNCTION C_SIGNED(ARG: BVSIGNED; SIZE: INTEGER) return BVSIGNED; -- word length(number of bits in an integer on this machine) constant wordlength: integer := 32; FUNCTION bvmax(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is begin if L > R then return L; else return R; end if; end; FUNCTION bvmin(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is begin if L < R then return L; else return R; end if; end; -- subtract two unsigned numbers of the same length -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0) function unsigned_minus(A, B: BVUNSIGNED) return BVUNSIGNED is variable carry: BIT; variable BV: BIT_VECTOR (A'left downto 0); variable sum: BVUNSIGNED (A'left downto 0); -- pragma map_to_operator SUB_UNS_OP -- pragma type_function LEFT_UNSIGNED_ARG -- pragma return_port_name Z begin carry := '1'; BV := not BIT_VECTOR(B); for i in 0 to A'left loop sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry; carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or (A(i) and carry) or (carry and BV(i)); end loop; return sum; end; -- add two unsigned numbers of the same length -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0) function unsigned_plus(A, B: BVUNSIGNED) return BVUNSIGNED is variable carry: BIT; variable BV, sum: BVUNSIGNED (A'left downto 0); -- pragma map_to_operator ADD_UNS_OP -- pragma type_function LEFT_UNSIGNED_ARG -- pragma return_port_name Z begin carry := '0'; BV := B; for i in 0 to A'left loop sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry; carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or (A(i) and carry) or (carry and BV(i)); end loop; return sum; end; -- Type propagation FUNCTION which returns a signed type with the -- size of the left arg. FUNCTION LEFT_SIGNED_ARG(A,B: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is variable Z: BVSIGNED (A'left downto 0); -- pragma return_port_name Z begin return(Z); end; -- subtract two signed numbers of the same length -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0) FUNCTION minus(A, B: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is variable carry: BIT; variable BV: BIT_VECTOR (A'left downto 0); variable sum: BVSIGNED (A'left downto 0); -- pragma map_to_operator SUB_TC_OP -- pragma type_FUNCTION LEFT_SIGNED_ARG -- pragma return_port_name Z begin carry := '1'; BV := not BIT_VECTOR(B); for i in 0 to A'left loop sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry; carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or (A(i) and carry) or (carry and BV(i)); end loop; return sum; end; -- add two signed numbers of the same length -- both arrays must have range (msb downto 0) FUNCTION plus(A, B: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is variable carry: BIT; variable BV, sum: BVSIGNED (A'left downto 0); -- pragma map_to_operator ADD_TC_OP -- pragma type_FUNCTION LEFT_SIGNED_ARG -- pragma return_port_name Z begin carry := '0'; BV := B; for i in 0 to A'left loop sum(i) := A(i) xor BV(i) xor carry; carry := (A(i) and BV(i)) or (A(i) and carry) or (carry and BV(i)); end loop; return sum; end; FUNCTION "+"(L: BVSIGNED; R: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is -- pragma label_applies_to plus constant length: INTEGER := bvmax(L'length, R'length); begin return plus(C_SIGNED(L, length), C_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label plus end; FUNCTION "-"(L: BVSIGNED; R: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is -- pragma label_applies_to minus constant length: INTEGER := bvmax(L'length, R'length); begin return minus(C_SIGNED(L, length), C_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus end; FUNCTION "-"(L: INTEGER; R: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is -- pragma label_applies_to minus constant length: INTEGER := R'length; begin return minus(C_SIGNED(L, length), C_SIGNED(R, length)); -- pragma label minus end; FUNCTION "ABS"(L: BVSIGNED) return BVSIGNED is begin if L(L'left) = '0' then return L; else return 0 - L; end if; end; FUNCTION C_INTEGER(ARG: BVSIGNED) return INTEGER is variable result: INTEGER; -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGNED_TO_INTEGER; begin -- synopsys synthesis_off assert ARG'length <= 32 report "ARG is too large in C_INTEGER" severity FAILURE; result := 0; for i in ARG'range loop if i /= ARG'left then result := result * 2; if ARG(i) = '1' then result := result + 1; end if; end if; end loop; if ARG(ARG'left) = '1' then if ARG'length = 32 then result := (result - 2**30) - 2**30; else result := result - (2 ** (ARG'length-1)); end if; end if; return result; -- synopsys synthesis_on end; FUNCTION C_INTEGER(ARG: BVUNSIGNED) return INTEGER is variable result: INTEGER; -- synopsys built_in SYN_UNSIGNED_TO_INTEGER; begin -- synopsys synthesis_off assert ARG'length <= 31 report "ARG is too large in C_INTEGER" severity FAILURE; result := 0; for i in ARG'range loop result := result * 2; if ARG(i) = '1' then result := result + 1; end if; end loop; return result; -- synopsys synthesis_on end; FUNCTION C_UNSIGNED(ARG: BVUNSIGNED; SIZE: INTEGER) return BVUNSIGNED is constant msb: INTEGER := bvmin(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1; subtype rtype is BVUNSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0); variable new_bounds: BVUNSIGNED (ARG'length-1 downto 0); variable result: rtype; -- synopsys built_in SYN_ZERO_EXTEND begin -- synopsys synthesis_off result := rtype'(others => '0'); new_bounds := ARG; result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0); return result; -- synopsys synthesis_on end; -- convert an integer to a 2's complement BIT_VECTOR FUNCTION C_SIGNED(ARG: INTEGER; SIZE: INTEGER) return BVSIGNED is variable result: BVSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0); variable temp: integer; variable negative: boolean; -- synopsys built_in SYN_INTEGER_TO_SIGNED begin -- synopsys synthesis_off temp := ARG; if temp < 0 then -- In order to make the "/2" operation like a shift, -- we need to make the arg a positive number. temp := (temp + (2**30)) + (2**30); negative := TRUE; else negative := FALSE; end if; for i in 0 to SIZE-1 loop if (temp mod 2) = 1 then result(i) := '1'; else result(i) := '0'; end if; temp := temp / 2; end loop; -- If we are converting a >31 bit number which is negative, -- the high bits have been calculated incorrectly. if negative and (SIZE > 31) then for i in 31 to SIZE-1 loop result(i) := '1'; end loop; end if; return result; -- synopsys synthesis_on end; FUNCTION C_SIGNED(ARG: BVSIGNED; SIZE: INTEGER) return BVSIGNED is constant msb: INTEGER := bvmin(ARG'length, SIZE) - 1; subtype rtype is BVSIGNED (SIZE-1 downto 0); variable new_bounds : BVSIGNED (ARG'length-1 downto 0); variable result: rtype; -- synopsys built_in SYN_SIGN_EXTEND begin -- synopsys synthesis_off result := rtype'(others => ARG(ARG'left)); new_bounds := ARG; result(msb downto 0) := new_bounds(msb downto 0); return result; -- synopsys synthesis_on end; -- -------- -- FUNCTION bvtoi(x: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN INTEGER is -- pragma subpgm_id 30 begin return C_INTEGER(BVUNSIGNED(x)); end; FUNCTION sbvtoi(x: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN INTEGER is -- pragma subpgm_id 31 begin return C_INTEGER(BVSIGNED(x)); end; FUNCTION itobv(x: INTEGER; length: INTEGER) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 38 variable result: BIT_VECTOR(length-1 downto 0); begin result := BIT_VECTOR(C_SIGNED(x,length)); return (result); end; FUNCTION sxt(x: BIT_VECTOR; length: INTEGER) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 32 variable result: BIT_VECTOR(length-1 downto 0); begin result := BIT_VECTOR(C_SIGNED(BVSIGNED(x),length)); return (result); end; FUNCTION ext(x: BIT_VECTOR; length: INTEGER) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 33 variable result: BIT_VECTOR(length-1 downto 0); begin result := BIT_VECTOR(C_UNSIGNED(BVUNSIGNED(x),length)); return (result); end; FUNCTION "+"(left: BIT_VECTOR; right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 34 begin return BIT_VECTOR(BVSIGNED(left) + BVSIGNED(right)); end; FUNCTION "-"(left: BIT_VECTOR; right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 35 begin return BIT_VECTOR(BVSIGNED(left) - BVSIGNED(right)); end; FUNCTION "-"(right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 36 begin return BIT_VECTOR(0 - BVSIGNED(right)); end; FUNCTION "abs"(right: BIT_VECTOR) RETURN BIT_VECTOR is -- pragma subpgm_id 37 begin return BIT_VECTOR(ABS(BVSIGNED(right))); end; end BV_ARITHMETIC;