LeonardoSpectrum for Altera READ.ME =================================== Although we have made every effort to ensure that this version functions correctly, there may be problems that we haven't encountered. If you have a question or problem that is not answered by the information provided in this read.me file, please contact Altera Applications: Technical Support Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD or (408) 544-7000 Fax: (408) 544-6401 E-mail address: support@altera.com You can also try visiting the Atlas on-line solutions database for additional help. The Atlas page is on the Altera world-wide web site, located at http://www.altera.com. LeonardoSpectrum for Altera version 1999.1j =========================================== This read.me file for LeonardoSpectrum(TM) for Altera includes information that was not incorporated into the printed documentation or online help. This file contains the following sections: o Installation & Licensing o Potential Problems & Recommendations Installation & Licensing ======================== Be sure to read all information on installation and licensing requirements in this file before you install LeonardoSpectrum for Altera. ------------------- 1. Visit www.altera.com to request a license file to enable your Exemplar Logic LeonardoSpectrum(TM) software. 2. Before launching LeonardoSpectrum for Altera, set your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the location and filename of your license file for the synthesis tools. For example, the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable should be set to the location and filename of your license file (c:\licenses\eda\license.dat) or using the port@host notation (1900@set). For PCs, from the Start menu, select Control Panel (Settings). Then choose the System Control Panel and click the Environment tab. For UNIX, type setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 1900@set at a command prompt. When the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable is set to a directory location instead of the license file, the LeonardoSpectrum for Altera software expects to find a license file ending with the .lic extension rather than the .dat extension. The LeonardoSpectrum for Altera software will not start. 3. The LeonardoSpectrum for Altera software supports licenses using the Mentor Graphics license daemon: mgcld. The mgcld daemon is installed in the \license\\ directory when you install the LeonardoSpectrum for Altera software. Refer to the LeonardoSpectrum Installation Guide (leoinst.pdf) for instructions to launch the license daemon. Potential Problems & Recommendations ==================================== 1. The LeonardoSpectrum for Altera version 1999.1j software lists device support for several Altera devices which are not supported by MAX+PLUS II or Quartus. These device selections will generate illegal device error messages in the MAX+PLUS II and Quartus software. For a complete list of these devices, visit the Atlas on-line solutions database. The Atlas page is on the Altera world-wide web site, located at http://www.altera.com. 2. The Quartus NativeLink integration flow with LeonardoSpectrum for Altera is not operational. You cannot launch LeonardoSpectrum for Altera synthesis from the Quartus interface. 3. The MAX+PLUS II software does not accept designs from the LeonardoSpectrum for Altera software that have design names longer than 8 characters. Doing so will generate an error related to writing to the ACF file. 4. Verify that the device selection in the Technology Tab matches the device selection in the Quick Setup Tab. When working on multiple projects, the device selection in the Technology Tab will reflect the device from the previous project. 5. The LeonardoSpectrum for Altera software does not provide the LeonardoInsight schematic viewer tool from Exemplar Logic, even though the button is available in the GUI. A separate license must be purchased from Exemplar Logic to use this feature.