Using ChipEditor with Timer

Use ChipEditor and Timer together to view place-and-route of Timer paths in ChipEditor. (This feature is not available for ProASIC devices.)


To view critical paths:

  1. Open Timer and ChipEditor from Designer.

  2. In Timer, click the Paths tab.

  3. Select a Path set in the path set grid. Paths within that set are displayed below in the path grid.

  4. Select the path you wish to expand.

  5. Expand the path by double-clicking on the path, or in the Edit menu, click Expand Path. The Expanded Paths window opens and displays a single path in the Expanded Paths Grid and a graphical representation of the paths in the Chart Window.

  6. Select a module or net in the Expanded Paths dialog box. The module or net is shown in ChipEditor.  


Refer to the Timer User's Guide and the ChipEditor User's Guide for more information.