Compile report

The Compile Report appears in the Designer Log window after compile is complete. It is divided into the following sections:

Parameters used to run Compile

All the information about the design, including the device selection and compile options used to run compile. Some options are not shown if you did not select them; for example, if the option demote_globals is OFF than the option demote_globals_max_fanout does not appear in the report.

Warnings, Errors, and the Netlist Optimization Report

Lists any warnings or errors encountered during compile. Also contains the Netlist Optimization report that lists out the optimized macros (deleted blocks) in your design.

Reading user pdc (Physical Design Constraints) file(s) postcompile

Lists out any PDC related errors and warnings encountered during compile.

Compile Report - Device utilization report

The Device Utilization Report includes the following:

Net information report

The section may not appear if there is no net to report. The Net Information Report includes the following sections:

Note: If the driver macro of a clock net is fixed in a quadrant clock location then this net will show in the quadrant clock net report.

The number of clock nets (chip+quadrant) can be less than the number reported in the device utilization (such as in the case of PLL using a YB and not the GLB).

Net Information Report Types

INT_NET - Internal nets

CLK_NET - More than 75% of pins driven by this net are clock pins

SET/RESET_NET - More than 75% of pins driven by this net are set or reset pins

Net Information Source Types:

NETLIST - Clock from the netlist

PDC PROMOTED - Promoted because of a PDC constraint

AUTO PROMOTED - Promoted automatically by compile; change the compile options if you do not want to promote this net.

ESSENTIAL - Global clock from the netlist that cannot be demoted (such as the PLL or CLKBIBUF).

Net Information Report Region (Definition)

The region is the clock region for the local and quadrant clocks. For example,
Local clock regions chip_T1, chip_T2:B5, quandrant_T1

The quadrant clock regions list is as follows: quadrant_UL, quadrant_UR, quadrant_LL, quadrant_LR