The software included with the Libero IDE sets new environment variables during installation. They are summarized below.
PATH: <Libero install directory>\Designer\bin
PATH: <Program Files>\Common Files\Actel
Note: Program Files can be set on C:, D:, etc. it depends on the setting on your system's environment settings.
PATH: <Libero install directory>\ViewDraw\bin
PATH_Old: <a copy of original PATH. If there was no existing PATH when ViewDraw was installed, ViewDraw still creates this variable with an empty value>
ACTELWDIR: <Libero install directory>\ViewDraw\bin
ACTELWDIR_OLD: <a copy of original ACTELWDIR. If ACTELWDIR did not exist when ViewDraw was being installed, the value of this variable is just a copy of ACTELWDIR>.
PALACE_ROOTDIR: <Libero install directory>\PALACE
PATH: <Libero install directory>\PALACE\bin
PATH: <Libero install directory>\Model\win32acoem
PATH: <Libero install directory>\WFL
PATH: <Libero install directory>\WFL\bin