FlashPoint supports custom serialization data files that specify the data in binary, HEX, decimal, or ASCII text. The custom serialization data files may contain multiple data with the Line Feed (LF) character as the delimiter.
You can create a file by entering serialization data into any type of text editor. Depending on the serialization data format (hex, ASCII, binary, decimal), input the serialization data according to the size of the region you specified in the FlashROM settings page.
Each custom serialization file has only one type of
data format (binary, decimal, Hex or
ASCII text). For example, if a file contains two different data formats
(i.e. binary and decimal) it is considered an invalid file.
The length of each data file must be shorter or equal to the selected region length. If the data is shorter then the selected region length, the most significant bits shall be padded with 0s. If the specified region length is longer then the selected region length, it is considered an invalid file.
The digit / character length is as follows:
-Binary digit: 1 bit.
-Decimal digit: 4 bits.
-Hex digit: 4 bits.
-ASCII Character: 8 bits.
Note the standard example below:
If you wanted to use, for example, device serialization for three devices with serialization data 123, 321, and 456, you would create file name from_read.txt. Each line in from_read.txt corresponds to the serialization data that will be programmed on each device. For example, the first line corresponds to the first device to be programmed, the second line corresponds to the second device to be programmed, and so on.
The following example is a Hex serialization data file for a 40-bit region. Enter the serialization data below into file created by any text editor:
The following is an example of programming "AeB1" into Region_7_1 located on page 7, from Word 5 to Word 1 in the FlashROM settings page. See Custom serialization data for FlashROM region for more information.
Word 15 |
... |
Word 6 |
Word 5 |
Word 4 |
Word 3 |
Word 2 |
Word 1 |
Word 0 |
Page 7 |
... |
... |
... |
00 |
00 |
00 |
AE |
B1 |
... |
The following example is a binary serialization data file for a 16-bit region:
11001100110101111 (This is an error: data out of range)
1001100110110112 (This is an error: invalid binary digit)
The following example is a decimal serialization data file for a 16-bit region:
65536 (This is an error: data out of range)
6553A (This is an error: invalid decimal digit)
The following example is a text serialization data file for a 32-bit region:
A )e
ASE3 23 (This is an error: data out of range)
Custom serialization data file
hex region data list> | <decimal region data list>
<binary region data list> | <ascii text data list>
Hex region data list =
hex data>
<new line> { < hex data> <new line> }
Decimal region data list = <decimal data> <new line> {<decimal
data><new line> }
Binary region data list = <binary data> <new line> { <binary
data> <new line> }
ASCII text region data list = < ascii text data> <new line>
< ascii text data> <new line> }
hex data = <hex digit> {<hex digit>}
decimal data = < decimal digit> {< decimal digit>}
binary data = < binary digit> {< binary digit>}
ASCII text data = <ascii character> {< ascii character >}
new line = LF
binary digit = 0|1
decimal digit = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8| 9
hex digit = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|A|B|C|D | E| F |
a| b | c| d | e| f
ascii character = characters from SP(0x20) to~(0x7E).