Flip-flop reports

The flip-flop report enables you to create a report that lists the number and type of flip-flops used in a design.

In ProASIC3/E: CC macros in the report are multi-tile flip-flops, which are flip-flops, made of 2 or 4 tiles

All other families: CC macros are flip-flops made of 2 combinatorial macros.

You can generate two types of reports - Summary or Extended:

A Summary report displays whether the flip-flop is a sequential, or multi-tile flip-flop, the macro implementation of the flip-flop, and the number of times the implementation of the flip-flop is used in the design.

An Extended report individually lists the names of the macros in the design.

To generate a flip-flop report:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Reports. This displays the Reports dialog box.

  2. Select Flip-Flop from the drop-down menu. The Flip-Flop Report dialog box appears.

  3. Specify the type of report to generate. Select Summary or Extended from the Type pull-down menu, then click OK. This displays the report in a separate window.


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