Designer tool

You can run Designer when your post-synthesis EDIF netlist is ready.  For structural designs you can start Designer directly using your source files as input.  


You can invoke Designer even if your netlist is out of date.  If you wish, you can update your netlist manually (or with the Synthesis tool) before you start Designer.

If your Designer outputs (back-annotated or programming/debugging files) are out of date, re-run Designer to make them current.  

Actel's Designer software is integrated with Libero IDE. Use the Designer software to implement your design.

To implement your design:

  1. Start Designer. Right-click the top level module in the Design Hierarchy and select Run Designer, or click Designer in the Design Flow window. Designer starts and loads your files from Libero.

  2. Set up your device. From the Tools menu, choose Device Selection. In the Device Selection Wizard, select your device type, device package, speed grade, voltage, and operating conditions. Make your selections and click Next to complete the steps

  3. Compile your design. In Designer, click Compile in the design flow window. The log window displays the utilization of the selected device. When compile has completed, the Compile box in the Design Flow window turns green.

  4. Designer's User Tools.  Once you have successfully compiled your design, you can use Designer’s User's tool to optimize your design. To start a tool, simply click it in the flow tree. The tools include:




Supported Families


Package level floorplanner and I/O attribute editor



Logic viewer, placement and floorplanning tool



Logic viewer and placement tool



Design schematic viewer



Power analysis tool

Axcelerator, Flash


Static timing analysis and constraints editor


  1. Layout your design. Click Layout in the Design Flow Window to place-and-route your design.

  2. Back-Annotate your design. Click Back-Annotate in the Design Flow Window. Choose SDF as CAE type and appropriate simulation language. Select Netlist in the Export Additional Files area and Click OK. If you are exporting files post-layout, Designer exports <top>_ba.vhd and <top>_ba.sdf to your Libero project. The “_ba” is added by Libero to identify these for back-annotation purposes. <top> is the top root name. Pre-layout exported files do not contain “_ba” and are exported simply as *.vhd and *.sdf. The files are visible from the File Manager, under Implementation Files.

  3. Generate a programming file. Click Programming File in the design flow tree if you wish to create a programming file for your design. This step can be performed later after you are satisfied with the back-annotated timing simulation.

  4. Save and Exit. From the File menu, click Exit. Select Yes to save the design before closing Designer. Designer saves all of the design information in an *.adb file. The <project>.adb file is visible in Libero’s File Manger, in the Implementation Files folder. To re-open this file at any time, simply double-click it. Files in the File Manager.