Setting your simulation options

You can set a variety of simulation options for your project.

To set your simulation options:

  1. From the Options menu, choose Project Settings.

  2. Click Simulation.

  3. Select your options and click OK.

  4. Use automatic Do file:  Select if you do not want Libero to initialize ModelSim.

  5. User defined Do file: Enter the Do file name or click the browse button.

  6. Compile VHDL Package files: Select to compile VHDL package files using ModelSim AE.

  7. Include Do file: Select to execute the or other specified Do file. Use the file to customize the ModelSim Waveform window display settings.

  8. Simulation Run Time: Specify how long the simulation should run in ns. If the value is 0, or if the field is empty, there won’t be a run command included in the file.

  9. Testbench entity name: Specify the name of your testbench entity name. Default is “testbench,” the value used by WaveFormer Lite.

  10. Top-Level instance name in the testbench: Default is <top_0>, the value used by WaveFormer Lite. Libero replaces <top> with the actual top level macro when ModelSim is run.

  11. Vsim Command Type: Select Min, Typical (Typ), or Max

  12. Resolution: The default is family-specific, but you can customize it to fit your needs.

    Some custom simulation resolutions may not work with your simulation library. For example, simulation resolutions above 1 ns will cause errors if you are using SX-A devices (the simulation errors out because of an infinite zero-delay loop). Consult your simulation help for more information on how to work with your simulation library and detect infinite zero-delay loops caused by high resolution values.


    Default Resolution

    ACT1, ACT2, ACT3

    1 ns


    1 ns


    1 ns

    SX, SX-A

    1 ns


    1 ns


    1 ps


    1 ps


    1 ps


    1 ps


    1 ps

  13. Vsim additional options: Text entered in this field is added to the vsim command.

  14. ModelSim library path: Enables you to choose the ModelSim default library for your device, or to specify your own ModelSim library. Enter the full pathname of your own library to use it for simulation.

  15. Default: Restores factory settings.