LogicalCone menu

This menu is available only for the NetlistViewer tool and Logical Cone windows in the MultiView Navigator.




Create New Cone


Opens a new Logical Cone window, which is set as the active cone

Rename Cone


Displays a dialog box, in which you can change the name of the active cone

Fold Selection


Hides all the logic inside the selected hierarchical instance in the cone view

Unfold Selection


Shows the logic that was added into the selected hierarchical instance in the cone view

Add to Active Cone


Displays a submenu of choices:

Add Selection - adds selected objects to the active cone

Add Highlighted Group  - adds a group of highlighted objects to the active cone

Add Driver - adds the instances which have a pin driving the selected net, input pin, or instance to the active cone

Add All Driven Logic - adds all instances which have a pin driven by the selected net, output pin, or instance to the active cone

Add Adjacent - displays a dialog box in which you select instances to add to the active cone

Remove From Active Cone


Displays a submenu of choices:

Clear - removes all objects from the active cone

Remove Selection - removes the selected object from the active cone

Remove Highlighted Group - removes the selected group of objects from the active cone