Tools menu

This menu is available for all tools in the MultiView Navigator.





Displays the placement of I/O and logic macros in your chip in the Tools window


Displays the pin out in the Tools window


Displays the netlist in the Tools window

I/O Attribute Editor

Displays the attributes in your design in the Tools window



Displays the last created Logical cone in the Tools window

Active Lists


Displays a submenu of choices:

<User-defined lists> - displays user-defined lists

<Pre-defined lists> -  displays any pre-defined lists such as Unassigned Macros, Unassigned I/Os, etc.

More Lists - displays a dialog box in which you can choose to create a new list, edit a list, copy a list, or delete a list.


Runs the Prelayout Checker to ensure that the design can be placed and routed

I/O Bank Assigner

Assigns a voltage to every I/O bank that does not have a voltage assigned to it and if required, a VREF pin