
Resets the critical value to its default.  Net criticality can vary from 1 to 10, with 1 being the least critical and 10 being the most. The default is 5. Criticality numbers are used in timing driven place-and-route.  


Increasing a net’s criticality forces place-and-route to keep instances connected to the net as close as possible, at the cost of other (less critical) nets.


reset_net_critical [netname]+



Specifies the name of the net to be reset to the default critical value. You must specify at least one net name. You can use the following wildcard characters in net names:


What it does


Interprets the next character as a non-special character


Matches any single character


Matches any string


Matches any single character among those listed between brackets (that is, [A-Z] matches any single character in the A-to-Z range)

Supported Families




This example resets the net preset_a to the default ciricality of 5:


reset_net_critical preset_A

See Also

Reset net's criticality to default level


PDC syntax conventions

PDC naming conventions