Welcome to SmartPower, Actel's state-of-the-art power analysis tool. SmartPower enables you to identify power consumption problems quickly within a component, then optimize accordingly. SmartPower offers a distinct advantage over lesser power analysis tools by letting you estimate the power of individual components, rather than restricting you to the overall design. SmartPower also generates detailed hierarchical reports of the dynamic power consumption of a design for easy inspection. These reports includes design-level power summary, average switching activity, and ambient and junction temperature readings. You have to simply input the target clock and data frequencies for your design, and let SmartPower perform a detailed and accurate power analysis. SmartPower supports importing files in the VCD (Value-Change Dump) format as specified in the IEEE 1364 standard. It also supports the SAIF (Synopsys' Switching Activity Interchange Format) standard. Support for these formats lets you generate switching activity information in a variety of simulators and then import this information directly into SmartPower.
SmartPower supports ProASIC3/E, ProASICPLUS, Axcelerator, ProASIC, and RTAX-S families. If you are using any other family, the SmartPower button does not appear on your toolbar. For information on future support for other device families, visit the Actel website at http://www.actel.com.