You can perform two types of timing analysis; Maximum Delay Analysis and Minimum Delay Analysis
To perform the basic timing analysis:
Open the Timing Analysis View using one of the following methods:
In the Design Flow window, click the Timing Analyzer icon to display the SmartTime Timing Analyzer.
From the SmartTime Tools menu, choose Timing Analyzer > Maximum Delay Analysis or Minimum Delay Analysis
Click the icon for Maximum Delay Analysis or the
for Minimum Delay Analysis from the SmartTime window.
Note: When you open the Timing Analyzer from Designer, the Maximum Delay Analysis window is displayed by default.
Maximum Delay Analysis View
In the Domain Browser,
select the clock domain. Clock domains with a indicate
that the timing requirements in these domains were met. Clock domains
with an x indicate that there are violations within these domains. The
Paths List displays the timing paths sorted by slack. The path with the
lowest slack (biggest violation) is at the top of the list.
Select the path to view. The Path Details below the Paths List displays detailed information on how the slack was computed by detailing the arrival time and required time calculation. When a path is violated, the slack is negative and is displayed in red color.
Double-click the path to display a separate view that includes the path details and schematic.
Note: In cases where the minimum pulse width of one element on the critical path limits the maximum frequency for the clock, SmartTime displays an icon for the clock name in the Summary List. Click on the icon to display the name of the pin that limits the clock frequency.
Repeat the above steps as required.