SmartTime Options dialog box

Use this dialog box to specify the SmartTime options to perform timing analysis.

This interface includes the following categories:

To open the SmartTime Options dialog box (shown below) from the SmartTime tool, choose Tools > Options.


SmartTime Options - General Dialog Box

Operating Conditions

Allows you to perform maximum or minimum delay analysis based on the Best, Typical, or Worst case. By default, maximum delay analysis is based on WORST case and minimum delay analysis is based on BEST case.

Clock Domains

Enables you to specify if SmartTime must use inter-clock domains in calculations for timing analysis. By default, this option is unchecked.

Restore Defaults

Resets all the options in the General panel to their default values.

Analysis View


SmartTime Options -  Analysis View Dialog Box

Display of Paths

Limits the number of paths shown in a path set for timing analysis. The default value is 100. You must specify a number greater than 1.

Filter the paths by slack value

Specifies the slack range between minimum slack and maximum slack. This option is unchecked by default.

Include sets of asynchronous pins

Enables you to include sets of asynchronous pins.

Restore Defaults

Resets all the options in the Analysis View panel to their default values.


SmartTime Options - Advanced Dialog Box

Special Situations

Allows you to specify if you need to use loopback in bi-directional buffers (bibufs) and/or break paths at asynchronous pins.

Restore Defaults

Resets all the options in the Analysis View panel to their default values.