Top-level Window

SmartTime top level window...


Timing Constraint View

Constraint Browser

Contains all timing constraints requirements and exceptions that you can set or modify. Right-click the constraint to add a new constraint of the same type.

Constraint List

Shows all values specific to a timing requirement or exception. Highlight the constraint type in the Constraint Browser to display the corresponding values in the Constraint List. Double-click on the row to edit the value.

Right-click the row to get a menu that allows you to edit, delete, or copy the selected constraint.

Timing Analysis View

Domain Browser

Displays all available domains. Select one domain to see the corresponding Path List. Right-click to get a menu to Add set or Add Clock Domain.


Analysis View Filter




Paths List

Displays the path list of the domain selected in the Domain Browser. Select a path in the Path List to see the Path Details. Right-click to get to a menu.

Path Details

Provide details of the path selected.