Tcl scripts contain one or more commands separated by either new lines or semicolons. A Tcl command consists of the name of the command followed by one or more arguments. The format of a Tcl command is:
command arg1 ... argN
The command in the following example computes the sum of 2 plus 2 and returns the result, 4.
expr 2 + 2
The expr command handles its arguments as an arithmetic expression, computing and returning the result as a string. All Tcl commands return results. If a command has no result to return, it returns an empty string.
To continue a command on another line, enter a backslash (\) character at the end of the line. For example, the following Tcl command appears on two lines:
import -format "edif" -netlist_naming "Generic" -edif_flavor "GENERIC" {prepi.edn}
To enter a comment line, the comment delimiter, which is the pound sign (#), must be the first character on a line or the first character following a semicolon, which also indicates the start of a new line. To create a multi-line comment, you must put a pound sign (#) at the beginning of each line.
#Set up a new design
new_design -name "multiclk" -family "Axcelerator" -path {.}
# Set device, package, speed grade, default I/O standard and
# operating conditions
set_device -die "AX1000" -package "BG729" -speed "-3" \
-voltage "1.5" -iostd "LVTTL" -temprange "COM" -voltrange "COM"
# Import the netlist
import -format "verilog" {multiclk.v}
# Compile the netlist
# Import a PDC file
import_aux -format "pdc" {multiclk.pdc}
# Run standard layout
layout -incremental "OFF"
# Generate backannotated sdf and netlist file
backannotate -name {multiclk_ba} -format "sdf" -language "Verilog"
# Generate timing report
report -type "timing" -sortby "actual" -maxpaths "100" {report_timing.txt}
# Generate programming file
export -format "AFM" -signature "ffff" {multiclk.afm}