Types of Tcl commands

There are three types of Tcl commands:

Built-in commands

Built-in commands are provided by the Tcl interpreter. They are available in all Tcl applications. Here are some examples of built-in Tcl commands:

set tmp [ exec myprog ]

puts stdout $tmp

Procedures created with the proc command

You use the proc command to declare a procedure. You can then use the name of the procedure as a Tcl command.

The following sample script consists of a single command named proc. The proc command takes three arguments:

proc myproc { arg1 arg2 } {

# procedure body


myproc a b

Commands built into the Designer software

Many functions that you can perform through the Designer software's GUI interface, you can also perform using an equivalent Tcl command. For example, the backannotate command is equivalent to executing the Back-Annotate command from Designer's Tools menu. For a list of Tcl commands supported in the Designer software, see the topics under Tcl Commands.