
This set_design command specifies the design name, family and path in which Designer will process the design. This step is absolutely required before importing the source files.


set_design -name design_name -family family_name –path path_name


Note: You need all three arguments for this command to set up your design.


-name design_name

The name of the design. This is used as the base name for most of the files generated from Designer.


-family family_name

The Actel device family for which the design is being targeted.


-path path_name

The physical path of the directory in which the design files will be created.

Supported Families



Example 1: Sets up the design and checks if there are any errors


set_design -name "test" -family "Axcelerator" -path {.}

set desName “test

set famName “ACT3”

set path {d:/examples/test}       


if  { [catch { set_design -name $desName -family $famName -path $path }] {

              Puts “Failed setup design”

              # Handle Failure

} else {

              puts “Design setup successful”

              # Proceed to Import source files


See Also

