Adding/Removing sets with keywords

The Advanced tab in the Add Set dialog box enables you to use keywords (macros that represent various sets of terminals) to create a set. You must Commit your changes in the main window to save your constraints.

Add Path Set - Advanced Tab

Keywords for the SX, MX, 3200DX, ACT3, ACT2, and ACT1 families are explained in the Keyword Filters section.


Supported keywords include:

To create a set using keywords:

  1. Click the Paths tab.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Add Set of Paths.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. Enter the From keyword or select a keyword from the From drop-down list box to define the From set.

  5. Enter the To keyword or select a keyword from the drop-down list box to define to set.

  6. Click OK. This displays paths for the keyword set in the Paths tab.