Using SeaCOM, SeaMAC, and SeaIO with 3rd party Software: Version 2.03.17 ******************************************************************************* *** TestPoint *** ******************************************************************************* It is very easy to use any Sealevel Systems' SeaCOM RS-232 or RS-422 card with TestPoint. Install the card as per the directions in SeaCOM.hlp or your manual, and use the device manager to find out what port(s) the card is installed as. In TestPoint, drag a "COM" icon into your program. Change the "COM #" box to the right number, and all other parameters can be left on default. Please see the SeaCOMEcho.tst example program for a simple example of piping a SeaCOM port to a Text Display object. RS-485 cards with autoenable turned on also work well with TestPoint, although the SeaCOMEcho.tst isn't as appropriate. ISA cards without autoenable should be connected through calls to the API, as described below for SeaIO and SeaMAC. Sealevel Systems' SeaIO Digital I/O and SeaMAC Synchronous communications boards work with a wide range of 3rd party software. For example, TestPoint uses object-oriented, drag-and-drop technology to bring both power and simplicity to data acquisition and test & measurement. Some but not all SeaIO cards are based on the 8255 chip, but of course all SeaIO cards work with the SeaIO API. Integrating the SeaIO API is easy, and can give capabilities beyond the ordinary "DIO" object as found in TestPoint. First install the SeaIO card and use the Control Panel applet to set up ports for input or output. Do this before opening the ports in TestPoint. The method of attaching external APIs, (or any arbitrary .DLL,) to TestPoint is given in chapter 23 of the manual. For each call into the DLL, a separate "CODE" icon is brought into your list of objects. The "DLL filename" is SeaIO32.dll, and the "Subroutine Name" is any of the calls listed in the API. (Include the underscores, but not the parentheses in the "Subroutine Name.") Refer to the chart on page 23-3, for the parameter types; i.e. USHORT parameters are "byte", PBYTE parameters are "var byte", and DWORD values are "dword". Important Note: The second parameter in SeaIO_OPEN() is a pointer to a handle, a common structure in C or C++. The correct way to reference this in TestPoint is NOT with the hwnd object, but rather with a "var dword." Call SeaIO_OPEN with the second parameter as the name of a container, possibly named "hDevice." Use this container (or variable) in all subsequent SeaIO calls. Please see the example SeaIOsimple.TST, distributed with SeaIO or available on our website. The SeaMAC API is handled in the same way, as shown in the example SeaMACEcho.TST. The call to SeaMAC_PortOpen will have three parameters, of types "word, word, var dword" with the third parameter again being a handle which is used throughout your application. A SeaMAC card can be a very cost effective and high performance way to connect existing equipment that uses Synchronous communications to a TestPoint development environment. For details on Sealevel Systems' products, contact Sealevel Systems at 864.843.4343, via email at, or via the web at