-- Configuring Linux to work with UART based serial cards (9-8-99) -- 1. Install the ISA or PCI serial card into the Linux machine 2. Boot Linux 3. If the card is configured for standard (COM1 - COM4) addresses, Linux should automatically detect and configure the card. 4. If the card is not configured for standard addreses: - Create the serial devices in the /dev directory. Refer to the Serial HOWTO (section 6.8: Serial Port Devices and Numbers In /dev) for instructions on how to do this. - Use "setserial" to configure the card. Refer to the Serial HOWTO and to the "setserial" man page. It might be necessary to save the port settings to a (distribution specific) configuration file (ex: /etc/serial.conf in the RedHat distribution). Linux Serial HOWTO: The HTML files in this directory are a copy of the "Linux Serial HOWTO". Open the file named "Serial-HOWTO.html" to browse the serial HOWTO. Updated versions of these files can be obtained at the following address: http://www.linux.org/help/howto.html Even though the information contained in these pages is sufficient to install and configure most UART based communications cards, we did not author and do not maintain these pages. PCI Support: IMPORTANT: PCI serial cards are only supported by kernel versions newer than 2.2.0. In order to correctly install a PCI serial card, you will need to extract the PCI install scripts. To do this, copy pci_inst.tar.gz to the desired directory and type: tar -xzf pci_inst.tar.gz This will extract 3 files into your working directory: serialsetup setserial_pci pciutils-2.0.tar.gz In order to start configuring your PCI cards, call the serialsetup script by typing: ./serialsetup Serialsetup is a script that will examine your PCI configuration and recommend the best configuration. You will still need to manually modify your serial configuration file (just as if you were installing an ISA card), but serialsetup will recommend the optimal 'setserial' configuration lines. Setserial_pci is a script similar to serialsetup. Instead of informing you of the optimal configuration, setserial_pci will automatically make the setserial calls for you. It is possible to call this script from your serial configuration script instead of adding the setserial lines manually. pciutils-2.0.tar.gz is the PCI Utilities package. This probably won't be necessary to install, but if you have problems detecting the PCI cards, or if your Linux distribution does not support PCI, then you can try installing this package. Tested Configurations: RedHat v6.0, v6.2 Debian GNU/Linux (all versions since Hamm) Slackware v4.0 Caldera OpenLinux v2.3 Distributions which were not supplied with a 2.2 series kernel were upgraded to v2.2.13 from ftp.kernel.org. Caldera's default kernel setup does not have extended serial port options compiled in. You must recompile your kernel to add this support. Please refer to the Kernel-HOWTO, which should be available in /usr/doc/HOWTO/ on your machine. It is also available from http://www.linux.org/help/howto.html If you "make menuconfig", you will find the appropriate serial port settings under "Character devices", listed as "Support for more than four serial devices" and "Support for IRQ sharing".