NOTE: You need to have "root" privileges to install the software and drivers. Installing and preparing the software: 1. Login as "root". 2. Mount the CDROM by typing: mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom NOTE: Your cdrom may not be /dev/hdc it could be /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc, ... or if you have a SCSI drive /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, ... NOTE: You may mount the CDROM to any location, the /cdrom is just a common example. 3. Next change to the directory where you mounted the CDROM: Ex. cd /cdrom/software/seaio/Other/linux NOTE: The syntax is case sensitive. 4. Copy seaio.tar.gz to your home directory by typing: cp seaio.tar.gz ~ 5. Change to your home directory by typing: cd 6. Unmount the drive and then Unzip and Untar the drivers and software by typing: umount /cdrom tar -xvzf seaio.tar.gz 7. Change to the seaio directory by typing: cd seaio 8. Now compile and prepare the drivers for use: make install 9. Your drivers and software are ready to be used. 10. Setting up linux to automatically load the driver is beyond the scope of this document; refer to a linux manual concerning your specific distribution for help. Installing a PCI card: 1. With the system off and unplugged, install your SeaIO PCI card. 2. Plug system back in and boot linux. 3. Login as "root". 4. Load the driver by typing: seaio-load 5. The driver has enabled the card and is ready to use, and you now have the option to run a test utility on it. Skip to section "Using the test software" if you wish to do so at this time. Installing an ISA card: 1. With the system off and unplugged, install your SeaIO ISA card. 2. Plug system back in and boot linux. 3. Login as "root". 4. Using your favorite text editor, edit the /etc/seaio.conf 5. With in the quote marks, insert cardtype=0xYourSeaIOcardType io=0xCardBaseAddress Note: YourSeaIOcardType = Model Number of your SeaIO Card. Note: CardBaseAddress = What base address you have your SeaIO card addressed at. 6. Save the file and exit your editor. 7. Load the driver by typing: seaio-load 8. The driver has enabled the card and is ready to use, and you now have the option to run a test utility on it. Skip to section "Using the test software" if you wish to do so at this time. Using the test software: 1. Make sure you have loaded the driver by running seaio-load. 2. To run the application type: SeaIOTst 3. The cards are numbered sequentially starting with 0. 4. You now have the option of opening a port and running different tests on it.