SeaIO Version 2.3.35 For complete information refer to the SEAIO.HLP file included when doing a full installation. To install, run SETUP.EXE from the floppies, CD, or website download. Whats New in Version 2.3.35 1) Updated ActiveX control, also works with Microsoft Visual Basic. Whats New in Version 2.3.34 1) Testing completed, all cards, Win98, NT4.0, ME, Win2000, XP. Whats New in Version 2.3.33 1) Multiple immediate calls of SetAdapterState() for 820x fixed, booting multiple devices fixed. 2) Control Panel in 98 was not actually setting states, fixed. All "preset" functions fixed. Control Panel in NT now working. 3) ActiveX events all work. Microsoft Visual Basic does not correctly handle stock error events. 4) Many API calls fixed for 4030 card. SetAdapterState() was incorrectly changing outputs. 5) Registry handling in Windows ME fixed. (Version 2.3.32 was internal to development only.) Whats New in Version 2.3.31: 1) New API is introduced in this version. All old API calls are supported with unchanged behavior. 2) ActiveIO.ocx is new in this version. 3) NT 4.0 blue screen bug fixed. 4) Latency issues resolved for USB SeaIO products. -- Testing is ongoing for the new API and ActiveX control, -- -- but is not complete. This version is BETA, please report -- -- any bugs found. The Help file has contact information. -- Whats New in Version 2.3.30: 1) Windows 98 page fault in 820x is fixed. Other code hardened. 2) VBTest, the Visual Basic sample app, fixed for 820x 3) 820x devices show no LED until completely enumerated. 4) Product roll-out for 8203 and 8205. 5) PCI Programmable cards have not been saving state since about version 2.3.25. Problem fixed. (Version 2.3.29 was internal to development only) Whats New in Version 2.3.28: 1) Card number errors were fixed in Windows 98 2) 8203 and 8205 take some time to correctly enumerate, the LED on the Front of the unit blinks on, then off, then on and stays on when the unit is ready. -- The basic Sample application VBTest accesses non-existant ports on the 8203, and appears to have other irregularities with 8203 or 8205 -- -- The 8203 and 8205 can cause Blue Screens in Windows 98. The problem appears to be confined to unplugging and replugging the device, and is being addressed. Rebooting between plug-ins is a work-around. The problem has been reduced in frequency since version 2.3.27 -- Whats New in Version 2.3.27: 1) Card numbers now fixed for a given instance, meaning that a PCI or ISA card in a system will NOT change cardnumber if another card is added, and USB devices will not change cardnumber if plugged into a different USB slot. 2) The serial string can be set from the control panel on USB devices. (version 2.3.26 was internal to development only) Whats New in Version 2.3.25: 1) More fixing of blue screen bugs. The only remaining known blue screen only happens with multiple 820Xs in Win 98. 2) Fixed an InstallShield problem that prevented the UPGRADE of SeaIO on a machine with a previous version. Mainly affected 820x, but also occurred if a PCI card had been removed prior to upgrade. 3) Control Panel correctly shows SerialString for 820x. Whats New in Version 2.3.24: 1) Multiple API calls added, the most useful of which is SeaIo_SetDirection() and SeaIo_GetDirection(), which easily set a PIO port to input or output. Also, SeaIo_GetSerialString() for 820x, and SeaIo_GetAllInputs(). 2) Repair of several broken functions for all cards other than 820x. -- This and all versions since 2.3.17 had an install problem in Win 2000, for USB products. -- Whats New in Version 2.3.23: 1) 8203 added 2) Numerous transparent changes to drivers, fixed SeaIO_NotifyInputChange vulnerability among others. -- SeaIO 8205 and 8203 sometimes fail in Windows 98. Occurs if card is plugged and unplugged more than once. Occurs more often on slower machines. -- Workaround, don't hotswap more than once without rebooting, in 98SE or ME. Win2000 hotswaps well. (Versions 2.3.21 and 2.3.22 were internal to development only) Whats New in Version 2.3.20: 1) 8205 now supported under Windows 98SE and above, however there is a suspected Vulnerability to hot-unplugging the 8205 while Seaio_NotifyInputChange() is active. 2) SeaIO_GetData() API call fixed. 3) PCI card 8009 bug (more than six outputs don't work) fixed Whats New in Version 2.3.19: 1) ActiveX control cosmetic improvements. 2) 8205 works with multiple cards. Whats New in Version 2.3.18: 1) ActiveX control added. 2) 8205 works, with the following issues: More than 1 8205 in Win2K can have hangups, 8205 always defaults to all inputs on plugin or bootup, Whats New in Version 2.3.17: 1) Preliminary support for the 8205, SeaIO USB device. 2) Control words are NOT being sent to device on Plug-in, user MUST use Control Panel before starting application, known issue. Whats New in Version 2.3.16: 1) Control Panel, NT, adding a port instructs forces the user to choose the card. 2) Added support for 8011 (similar to 8002, higher current capacity) Whats New in Version 2.3.15: 1) Internal only. Whats New in Version 2.3.14: 1) VBTest display corrected for large numbers of IO. Whats New in Version 2.3.13: 1) Fixed lockup vulnerability in control panel for interrupt triggering, removing option. Whats New in Version 2.3.12: 1) Tested support for new cards, including 8008, 8009, and 9012. 2.3.11 was an internal release only. Whats New in Version 2.3.10: 1) BETA-level Support for the 9012 card. Whats New in Version 2.3.9: 1) Support for the 8010 card, bug fixes on 8008. Whats New in Version 2.3.8: 1) Initial support for the 9012 card. Whats New in Version 2.3.7: 1) Seg Fault under Linux in SeaIOTst fixed. Whats New in Version 2.3.6: 1) 8005 supported fully. 2) SeaIOTst and VBTest have significant bug fixes. Whats New in Version 2.3.5: 1) Bug Fix version, including a lockup under NT. 2) Linux Distribution made good for GPL. Whats New in Version 2.3.4: 1) Support for 8005, 8006, 8007. 2) Multiple (identical) PCI cards supported in NT 3) Shared IRQs now supported on PCI cards. Whats New in Version 2.3.2: 1) Incremental build, main changes are in the Installation instead of code. Whats New in Version 2.3.1: 1) The new Interrupt-Driven SeaIO driver and applications. File names of the Header files have changed. The API has been added to, but is backwards compatible with 2.2.x. See SeaIO.hlp for details. Whats New in Version 2.2.2: 1) Fixes a SeaIO_RelayClose problem on the 8002 board in Windows 98 and 2000. Whats New in Version 2.2.1: 1) SeaIO software has been completely re-written in a more comprehensive and extensible form. 2) Windows 2000 support has been added as a full WDM driver. 3) Linux support has been added - currently as a beta driver. 4) New sample codes and executables, including: * VBTest has been updated to work with inputs and outputs, GUI updated, and is now a sample suitable for deployment and/or development. * SeaIOTst written in C++, * SioCMD, giving full IO control from the command line. 5) Numerous bugs were eliminated, including SeaIO_RelayOpen, SeaIO_RelayClose, and SeaIO_NotifyInputChange. 6) Numerous configuration changes no longer require reboots. 7) Complete support for the 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 cards.