THE PIO48 DEMO DISK CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING FILES: C_DEMO.C - Compiled C program that uses the PIO48 drivers available in PIO48_C.OBJ. C_DEMO.EXE is the linked version of C_DEMO.C and PIO48_C.OBJ. PIO48_C.OBJ - Linked version of the PIO48_C assembly language drivers. Syntax for the C interface routines are provided in PIO48_C.TXT. DEMO_C.C - C program listing which shows how to interface to the PIO48 board without using the assembly language drivers. DEMO_C.EXE is the executable version of this program. DEMO_B.BAS - Interpreter BASIC program listing which shows how to interface to the PIO48 board without using the assembly language drivers. ADDENDUM.TXT - Please check ADDENDUM.TXT for additions or corrections to the manual. For further information or technical assistance please contact Sealevel Systems Inc. P.O. Box 830 Liberty, S.C. 29657 (864) 843 - 4343