AN00017.TXT Advanced Communication Board Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: BISYNC Communications with the ACB. In the 1960s, IBM developed a synchronous protocol based called Binary Synchronous Communications. This protocol is often referred to with the mnemonic BSC or BISYNC. BISYNC is a character oriented protocol that uses special pre-defined characters to determine the various parts of the data stream and control the flow of data between the points of communication. BISYNC may be implemented with the ASCII, EBCDIC or Six Bit Transcode character sets. This is a very popular synchronous protocol and is used widely to interface with mainframe computer systems and video terminals. All ACB adapters can communicate with the BISYNC protocol. The following is a listing of BISYNC variations and references. Binary Synchronous Communications - General Information GA27-3004-2 IBM Corp., 1970 DDCMP Digital Data Communications Message Protocol Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), 1974.