Advanced Communication Board Developer Toolkit ABSTRACT: POLL1.C POLL1.C is a polled mode asynchronous terminal program. The base address is 238 Hex and no additional jumpers are needed. To build the program, the ACB.C file must be built/included from the \LIBRARY directory. The program will terminate when the "Esc" key is typed from the keyboard. This program is set up for 4800 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. Please remember that this is a polled program and it does have maximum data rate limitations. For high speed examples please refer to the DMA and interrupt driven examples. Cables: For asynchronous mode, only transmit and receive are needed. The program may be used in a stand alone loop-back configuration, or with another PC with an asynchronous COM: port card installed. For Loop-Back Plug: For Single Ended (RS-232, MIL-188/114) Connect Tx to Rx For Differential Interface (RS-530, V.35, MIL-188/C, etc.) Connect Tx+ to Rx+ Connect Tx- to Rx- Point to Point Cable: For Single Ended (RS-232, MIL-188/114) Connect Tx at point A to Rx at point B Connect Tx at point B to Rx at point A For Differential Interface (RS-530, V.35, MIL-188/C, etc.) Connect Tx+ at point A to Rx+ at point B Connect Tx- at point A to Rx- at point B Connect Tx+ at point B to Rx+ at point A Connect Tx- at point B to Rx- at point A Dip-Switch and Jumpers: Note: If a jumper is not listed, that jumper is not relevant to this example. ACB-104 ACB-II ACB-530 SW1 2,3,4,8 On SW1 1 On SW1 2,3,4,8 On ACB-III ACB-IV ACB-V SW2 2,3,4 On SW1 2,3,4 On SW1 2,3,4 On ACB-VI ACB-MP MAXPORT SW1 2,3,4,8 On None SW1 2,3,4,8 On Build Dependencies: POLL1.C * ACB.OBJ * ACB.H * Z8530.H * Denotes that files are located in the \LIBRARY directory.