UTIL.TXT Advanced Communication Board Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains information regarding the utility programs that are on the ACB Developers Toolkit. This document is organized with the following conventions. Section 1. SSDACB.COM, A Generic ACB Diagnostic Program 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Internal Loop- back Test 1.3 External Loop- back Test 1.4 IRQ Test 1.5 Modem Control Signal Test 1.6 Examine Default Communication Parameters 1.7 Terminal Mode 1.8 Exit SSDACB.COM Section 2. TDMA.EXE, Generic DMA Test Program 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Command Line Syntax 2.2 Notes Section 3. ACBBAUD.EXE, Baud Rate Utility Program 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Notes Section 4. ACBOSC.EXE, Oscillator Utility Program 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Notes Section 5. FindPCI and SetPCI 5.1 Introduction and Use ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1. SSDACB.COM Section 1.1 Introduction SSDACB.COM is a diagnostic program for ACB family products which use 85x30 compatible SCCs. Valid address range from 100 hex to FFFF hex. The syntax for invoking the program is: SSDACB ### - where ### is the base address of the SCC in hex. SSDACB ###B - to select channel B of the SCC. Example: - test a SCC at 3F8 hex => Syntax: SSDACB 3F8 - test a SCC at 2F8 hex => Syntax: SSDACB 2F8 - test a SCC at 2E0 hex => Syntax: SSDACB 2E0 Section 1.2 Verify Address Verify address and examine SCC - Confirms the presence of a SCC at the specified address and displays the configuration of the device at the present time. All read and write registers of the SCC are displayed. NOTE: All register values displayed are the last value WRITTEN to that register. Section 1.3 Internal Loop- back * Note: The following loop-back tests use ASCII characters for checking transmit / receive data continuity. If 5 or 6 bit word length is selected, these tests will fail due to the lack of bits in the data. Internal SCC loop-back test - Places the SCC in a diagnostic loop-back mode. Data transmitted is immediately received. No loop-back required. Section 1.4 External Loop-back External loop-back test - A loop-back plug is required for this test: ACB-II & III ACB-II & IV --------------------------------- RS-232 RS-422 TD to RD TD+ to RD+ TD- to RD- Data is transmitted and received through the RS-232 or RS-422 drivers. Loop-back connectors for this test are available by contacting technical support. The only signals tested with the external loop-back are TD and RD. Section 1.5 IRQ Test IRQ test - Generates an interrupt and indicates which interrupt request line has been detected. Note that only IRQs 3, 4, or 5 are tested. Please keep in mind that this is a generic test and it does not enable any status bits in the control registers prior to the test (i.e. ACB-VI). Please refer to the section on SSDACB6.EXE for information on testing the ACB-VI. Section 1.6 Modem Control Signal Test Examine modem control signals - Allows control over RTS and DTR and displays the status of the other modem control signals (RI,CTS,DCD,DSR). On the ACB-II DTR is not toggled, however RTS is toggled. On-board status register located at base + four is also displayed. See ACB manual for bit representation of status register. NOTE: The results of this portion of the test will depend on the bit layout of the status / control register on each ACB card. Section 1.7 Examine Default Communication Parameters Examine default communication parameters - Displays the default parameters under which the diagnostic program and terminal procedures operate. A) Write new values to SCC registers. The user is prompted for the register number (0-F) and the register value (00-FF). All values must be in hex format. B) Reinitialize with default communication parameters. The default communication parameters are the values that are loaded into the SCCs registers when the program is executed. These values may be changed by using the method described above. Section 1.8 Terminal Mode A) Transmits a continuous data stream through the SCC for trouble- shooting purposes. Pressing any key toggles the stream on and off. B) Places the PC into a terminal emulation mode. All characters typed on the keyboard are transmitted through the SCC. Received data is displayed in ASCII format. This is a polled terminal emulator. Section 1.9 Exit SSDACB.COM Exit to DOS - Terminates program with return code of zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2 TDMA.EXE Section 2.1 Introduction This program will test DMA on any Advanced Communication Board that supports Direct Memory Access Transfers. This test cannot be executed with the ACB MAXPORT card because it does not support DMA. The ACB-II only supports half-duplex DMA. This test program may be used but the card will not be able to receive what is being transmitted. The ACB-II may be modified to utilize full duplex DMA. For details on this modification, refer to the \APP_NOTE directory and the file APP_NOTE.TXT Section 2.2 Command Line Syntax Usage: TDMA /b:[base address] /d:[divisor] /t:[Tx Ch] /r:[Rx Ch] [/2] [/l] /b:[base address] This specifies the base address in hexadecimal for the ACB card. This value can be any hex value from 100h to FFFFh. /d:[divisor] This argument specifies a divisor value to be written to the 85x30 Write Register 12. Note that the 85x30 is using X16 clock mode for this test. The data format is async, 8 data bits, and no parity. This must be a hexadecimal value from 0 to FFh. /t:[Tx Ch] This parameter select the DMA Channel that the 85x30 will use for Transmit. Valid options for the Tx DMA Channel are 0, 1, 2, and 3. Please note that the 85x30 is programmed for DTR/REQ on Transmit (WR14). /r:[Rx Ch] This parameter select the DMA Channel that the 85x30 will use for Receive. Valid options for the Rx DMA Channel are 0, 1, 2, and 3. Please note that the 85x30 is programmed for WAIT/REQ on Receive (WR1). /2 This optional argument runs the test on channel B of the 85x30. /l This optional argument sets the internal loop bit so the test may be executed without a loop-back connector. EXAMPLE: TDMA /b:238 /d:fe /t:3 /r:1 /l This will test the ACB card at address 238 hex with a divisor of FE hex. Transmitting using DMA channel 3 and receiving using DMA channel 1. This loop option is selected so no loop-back plug is required. Section 2.3 Notes Presently TDMA does not enable DMA on the ACB card. The test assumes that DMA is already on or always enabled. TDMA is a full duplex test however it can be used in a half duplex testing application (like with the ACB-II). For additional details, please contact Technical Support. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3 ACBBAUD.EXE Section 3.1 Introduction ACBBAUD.EXE is a utility program that will calculate baud divisors for the Zilog 85x30 Serial Communications Controller (SCC). To run the program, type ACBBAUD at the command prompt. You will be prompted for the input frequency in Megahertz, starting divisor, and ending divisor. The program will output to the corresponding values of the baud divisor in a table format to the video display. Section 3.2 Notes You may dump the output to the printer by typing Ctrl+P before the program is executed. This will redirect the video output to the printer. Once the printing is completed, type Ctrl+P again to toggle to normal video mode. Keep in mind that the baud rates are listed for all four clock modes of the SCC and some clock modes may not apply for certain communication formats (i.e. You cannot use X1 Clock Mode with the DPLL). Please refer to the 85x30 data book for more details on data rate and clock source requirements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4 ACBOSC.EXE Section 4.1 Introduction ACBOSC.EXE is a utility program that will determine suitable oscillator values to produce a given baud rate in the Zilog 85x30 Serial Communications Controller (SCC). The program tests standard oscillator values ranging from 1 to 20 Mhz. To run the program, type ACBOSC at the command prompt. You will be prompted for the baud rate in kilohertz, the allowable percent error (a non-zero value is required, i.e. 1.0 = 1%, 0.1 = 0.1%, etc.), and the starting and ending divisor values (decimal values). The program will output corresponding values of oscillator, divisor, clock mode, and actual rate in tabular format to the video display. Section 4.2 Notes You may dump the output to the printer by typing Ctrl+P before the program is executed. This will redirect the video output to the printer. Once the printing is completed, type Ctrl+P again to toggle to normal video mode. Keep in mind that the results are listed for several clock modes of the SCC and some clock modes may not apply for certain communication formats. Please refer to the 85x30 data book for more details on data rate and clock source requirements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5.1 FindPCI.exe and SetPCI.exe FindPCI is a utility that will list the resources assigned by the BIOS's PCI routines for any Sealevel products. (Does not list other cards.) This utility only works in a DOS environment. However, if the user boots to DOS, runs FindPCI.exe, and then reboots to an NT or other environment without changing slots or adding any other cards, the resources should remain as listed. SetPCI allows the user to change resources, on Sealevel products, in a DOS environment. Using this program is not recommended, it is included only for advanced users.