AdapterId 061D7h AdapterName "Sealevel Systems ACB-MP, Multiprotocol Serial Adapter" NumBytes 1 NamedItem Prompt "Card" Choice "Enabled" pos[0]=XXXXXXX1b Choice "Disabled" pos[0]=XXXXXXX0b Help "When disabled, the card is prevented from responding to any signals." NamedItem Prompt "I/O Address" Choice "0238H-023FH" pos[0]=XXXXX00Xb io 0238h-023Fh Choice "0380H-0387H" pos[0]=XXXXX01Xb io 0380h-0387h Choice "03A0H-03A7H" pos[0]=XXXXX10Xb io 03A0h-03A7h Choice "0338H-033FH" pos[0]=XXXXX11Xb io 0338h-033Fh Help "This hex address needs to be set to a unique I/O location. The ACB-MP card will occupy eight consecutive I/O addresses. If none of these options are available, contact Sealevel Systems for a custom address configuration." NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt Level" Choice "IRQ 3" pos[0]=XX100XXXb int 3 Choice "IRQ 4" pos[0]=XX101XXXb int 4 Choice "IRQ 5" pos[0]=XX110XXXb int 5 Choice "IRQ 9" pos[0]=XX111XXXb int 9 Choice "IRQ 10" pos[0]=XX000XXXb int 10 Choice "IRQ 11" pos[0]=XX001XXXb int 11 Choice "IRQ 12" pos[0]=XX010XXXb int 12 Choice "IRQ 15" pos[0]=XX011XXXb int 15 Help "This card can use any of eight interrupt levels."