AN00009.TXT Advanced Communication Board Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: HDLC and HDLC Subsets (SDLC, LAP, etc.) The High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol was developed in the 1970s by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This synchronous protocol involves sending information in a block that contains several defined fields. Each block of information starts and ends with a distinct synchronizing character called the sync flag. Each block of information contains an address field, control field, a variable length data field, and a frame check sequence. The combination of all fields, beginning and ending with a sync flag is collectively referred to as an HDLC frame. HDLC can be implemented in a multi-drop or point-to-point configuration. The address field can be used to determine the destination of the HDLC frame in multi-drop configurations. The control field is normally eight bits (octet) long. Different bits in the control field are dedicated to separate link control duties, for example, a group of three bits is dedicated to counting the number of frames and another bit is dedicated to labeling the type of information in the data porting of the frame. For this reason, HDLC is considered a bit- oriented protocol. The HDLC protocol can be implemented in several ways and has numerous subsets and slight variations. All ACB adapters can communicate with the HDLC protocol. HDLC ISO 3309 and ISO 4335 High-Level Data Link Control SDLC Systems Network Architecture. GC30-3072. IBM Corp., 1981 or IBM Synchronous Data Link Control - General Information GA27-3093 File GENL-09 Synchronous Data Link Control ADCCP ANSI X3.66 American National Standards Institute FIPS PUB 71-1 U.S. National Bureau of Standards FED-STD-1003A Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures LAP CCITT I.440/I.441 Link Access Procedure (Pre HDLC specification) LAPB CCITT I.440/I.441 Link Access Procedure Balanced This specification is contained in CCITT X.25 LAPD 1988 CCITT Q.920/921, I.440/I.441 Link Access Procedure, D channel (ISDN) LLC IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control LLAP ISO LocalTalk Link Access Protocol (AppleTalk)