AN00010.TXT Advanced Communication Board Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: External Synchronous Communications. Synchronous Communications is implemented in many different protocols. Some synchronous protocols rely on a character synchronization to be performed by a external device. The SCC can be programmed for external sync mode, however, the ACB adapter will need to be modified to utilize external sync. The modification consist of a single jumper from the /SYNC pin on the SCC to the source of the sync signal proved by the synchronizing device. If the interface that is being communicated with does not provide a sync signal, the /SYNC pin may be tied to the RTS signal. With this configuration, the SCC will act as a shift register and all bits will be clocked into the RX FIFO on an active clock edge. Please note that no character synchronization is performed by the SCC. With some obscure protocols, this method of communications is the only option of receiving the data. The SCC has been used with protocols that only provide a clock signal when the data is valid. This protocol and external sync application are not normally supported by the SCC, but if the data rate is at a moderate level, the system may be able to communicate with these obscure protocols. Most external synchronous communications protocols vary in synchronizing signals and methods. If further assistance is needed, please contact the technical support at the numbers listed in the README.TXT file located in the root directory of this diskette.