PCMCIA.TXT - PCMCIA PC Card Diagnostic Programs ********************************************************************* This document is organized with the following conventions: Section 1. PCSSD PCMCIA Diagnostic Menu Driven Program (PCSSD.EXE) Section 2. SeaPC PC Card Client Enabler (SEAPC.EXE) Section 3. SSEnable Stand Alone Card Enable Program (SSENABLE.EXE) Section 4. Modifying example programs on the toolkit for the PCMCIA card. ********************************************************************* Section 1. PCSSD PCMCIA Diagnostic Menu Driven Program (PCSSD.EXE) PCSSD is a PCMCIA diagnostic program that will display information regarding your PCMCIA systems and PC Cards. Card and Socket Services must be loaded before this program is executed. To run the diagnostic type "PCSSD" at the DOS command prompt. ********************************************************************* Section 2. SeaPC PC Card Client Enabler (SEAPC.EXE) SeaPC is a PCMCIA Version 2.0 compliant DOS client that will enable the selected PC Card's I/O address and IRQ when inserted. Features * Allows unique addressing and IRQ selection * Provides the highest level of compatibility with installed systems compliant with PCMCIA standard 2.0 or higher When should I use the driver? This PC Card Client Enabler is not needed in all situations. SeaPC should be used if one or more of the following conditions occur: 1. The PCMCIA system software (Card and Socket Services) on the host computer will not configure the card(s) automatically. 2. The PCMCIA system software on the host computer does not supply a configuration utility to allow the PC Card to be configured automatically. 3. The configuration utility with the PCMCIA system software does not function properly. SeaPC System Requirements SeaPC was designed to operate on an IBM PC / AT or compatible computer. SeaPC requires approximately 3 kilobytes of free conventional memory. If SeaPC is loaded more than once, an additional 3 kilobytes plus buffer space is required for each resident copy. SeaPC may be used with memory managers and loaded into expanded memory. SeaPC requires MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.00 or higher and Card and Socket Services that are compliant with PCMCIA version 2.00 or higher. Installation - Executing the Driver SeaPC is a DOS Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program that can be executed from the DOS command prompt or from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For additional information on the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, please refer to the DOS. When SeaPC is executed, a setup file must be specified on the command line. Command Line Options To display the available command line options, Type "SEAPC /?" at the DOS command prompt. The following should be displayed. C:>SEAPC /? Syntax: SEAPC [/F:file] [/U] [/I] [/V] [/?] /F:[file] Where file is the configuration file /U Unconditional installation /I Display info on resident copies of SeaPC without installing the enabler /V Show verbose installation information /? Display command line options, inhibit driver from loading * Please note that the /F: option is the only required command line parameter. If the setup file is not located in the default directory, the drive and path must be specified. The following section details the syntax of the setup file. Setup File An example setup file named SEAPC.INI is provided on the diskette. This file may be edited with the DOS EDIT utility. The following is the syntax for a PC Card configuration: [card] BaseIO=Base I/O address IRQ=Interrupt Request Signal Type=Device Type Interface=Electrical Interface Utilized The following is a description of each entry in the setup file: BaseIO Base I/O address in Hexadecimal. Valid ranges are from 0 - 3FFh. Please note that some ranges may be reserved by the PCMCIA system software or occupied by other peripherals in the host computer system. IRQ Interrupt Request Signal in Decimal. Valid ranges are from 2-15. Please note that some IRQs be reserved by the PCMCIA system software or occupied by other peripherals in the host computer system. Type Device Type. Valid options are UART or SCC Interface Electrical Interface Utilized. Valid options are RS-232, RS-422, RS-485. Please note that in the scope of the driver, RS-422 and RS-485 are viewed as the same value. A semicolon (;) at the beginning of a line denotes a comment and the remainder of that line is ignored. Note the above syntax is an example for one card. Multiple cards (up to eight) may be configured using the following syntax: ;First Card [card] BaseIO=238 IRQ=10 Type=SCC Interface=RS-232 ; Second Card [card] BaseIO=280 IRQ=11 Type=UART Interface=RS-422 Using the PC Card on platforms other than ISA Most PCMCIA systems are based on the standard PC (ISA) architecture; however, in some situations it may be necessary to install the PC Card in a non-ISA system (for example Micro Channel or PCI). For this reason the setup file has an additional parameter that allows pulse mode interrupts. An ISA system uses level mode interrupts which is the default setting. To enable pulse mode interrupts, add the following line to the setup file: IRQMode=Pulse Remember this feature will only work on a platform that supports pulse mode interrupts, and if the Card and Socket Services support pulse mode interrupts. ********************************************************************* Section 3. SSEnable Stand Alone Card Enable Program (SSENABLE.EXE) SSENABLE is a PCMCIA utility that will allow the use of your PC Card without loading card and socket services. The utility is provided for applications that conflict with card and socket services. Please note that this utility does NOT use card and socket services and greatly reduces the features of the PCMCIA card. The command line parameters for the program are listed by typing SSENABLE at the DOS prompt. The following are example command line entries for the SSENABLE program: -Enable base I/O address 238 hex -IRQ 5 -memory range d000-dffff has been excluded from any memory manager and is reserved for the PC Card attribute memory -the PC Card is in socket 1 SSENABLE /b:238 /i:5 /m:d000 /s:1 To remove the configuration on socket 1 type: SSENABLE /s:1 /r NOTE: SSENABLE will only work with Intel PCIC compatible socket controllers. ********************************************************************* Section 4. Modifying example programs on the toolkit for the PCMCIA card. The program INT2 should not need to be modified. This is an HDLC/SDLC type example. For other interrupt driven protocols the INT2 program is an excellent starting place. Presently the PCMCIA card does not support DMA transfers.