APP_NOTE.TXT Route 56 Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains titles and topics of all application notes that are provided on the Route-56 Developer's Toolkit diskette. If a topic is not listed that needs additional detail, please contact technical support at the numbers listed in the README.TXT file located in the root directory of this diskette. AN00004.TXT Differences Between Electrical / Mechanical Interfaces. AN00009.TXT HDLC and HDLC Subsets (SDLC, LAP, etc.). AN00011.TXT Constructing a Loop-Back Plug for Testing. AN00013.TXT Third Party Software and Drivers. AN00014.TXT Differences between DTE and DCE. AN00019.TXT References to other printed documentation that may aid the developer in understanding unfamiliar topics.