README.TXT Route 56 Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is organized with the following conventions: Section 1.0 Introduction Section 2.0 Route 56 Developer's Toolkit Contents and Diskette Layout Section 3.0 Recommended Documentation Section 4.0 What To Do If A Problem Occurs Section 5.0 Technical Support and Feedback ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1.0 Introduction Welcome to the Route 56 Developer's Toolkit. This diskette provides the developer with programming samples and technical insight to aid in the development of reliable applications and device drivers for the Route 56 communication card. All source code on this diskette is provided to the developer with royalty free use with the Route 56 adapter. Our goal in publishing this collection of source code and technical information is twofold. First, to provide the developer with ample information to develop Route 56 based applications, and second, to listen to the developer and channel any suggestions into our technical support efforts. During Route 56 application development, if questions, comments, or suggestions arise, please feel free to contact Technical Support at the numbers listed at the end of this document. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2.0 Route 56 Developer's Toolkit Contents and Diskette Layout The following is a brief description of the layout of the diskette. Note: all files are not listed, only the important text files that make further reference to diagnostics, source code, and other text files. Root Directory \ README.TXT The file currently being read. \APP_NOTE Application Notes APP_NOTE.TXT This file contains a detailed listing of all application notes on the diskette. \UTIL Utilities and Diagnostics UTIL.TXT This file contains an in-depth explanation of all utility and diagnostics programs located on the diskette. \SAMPLES Source Code Examples SAMPLES.TXT This text file contains a brief description of all source code and sample programs on the Route 56 Developer's Toolkit. Note that each sample program is in a separate sub-directory. \LIBRARY Route 56 I/O Run Time Modules LIBRARY.TXT This file contains an explanation of all library files that are provided with the Route 56 Developer's Toolkit. Several header files (i.e. *.h and *.inc) are also explained in the document. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3.0 Recommended Documentation Before beginning to develop applications based on the Route 56 card you will need the manual that is provided with the Route 56 card, this diskette, and a Zilog IUSC User Manual. IUSC Users Manuals may be obtained from Zilog or by calling technical support at the phone number listed at the end of this document. If you are new to communications programming, please refer to the file APP_NOTE directory on this diskette. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4.0 What To Do If A Problem Occurs If a problem does occur during or after Route 56 development, there are diagnostic tools provided on the diskette to aid in determining the source of the problem. All diagnostic programs are located in the \UTIL directory. These utility programs will help determine if the problem resides in the application software or the hardware configuration. In either case, please remember that technical support is available through the numbers listed at the end of this document. A loop-back plug may need to be constructed to fully test the Route 56 card. Please refer to the \APP_NOTE directory for an application note on constructing simple loop-back connectors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5.0 Technical Support and Feedback Technical Support and feedback for the Route 56 Developer's Toolkit and the Route 56 card is available through the following correspondence: Sealevel Systems, Incorporated 155 Technology Place P.O. Box 830 Liberty, SC 29657 USA VOICE: (864) 843-4343 FAX: (864) 843-3067 INTERNET: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------