SAMPLES.TXT Rout 56 Board Developer's Toolkit 1995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All sample programs were written using MSVC C/C++ 1.5 or higher and / or MASM 6.00B or higher. All C language programs were written with compatibility for different compilers in mind. All programs were written to conform with ANSI C. If an example does not compile properly with your compiler, please contact technical support at the numbers listed at the end of the README.TXT file located in the root directory of this disk. If there is a topic that you feel needs to be addressed with an example program, again, feel free to contact technical support. Your comments are not only welcome, but they are also the only form of feedback that goes into the improvement of this development toolkit. Each sub-directory contains one example program and an ASCII text file entitled ABSTRACT that explains the programs function, limitations, cabling requirements, build dependencies and any other related information. To build most of the examples, it will be necessary to either copy the files from the \LIBRARY directory to a directory on you hard drive that is pointed to by your INCLUDE and LIB environment variables or create a new directory on your hard drive, and then adjust your INCLUDE and LIB environment variables. The ABSTRACT file will detail which .OBJ files from the \LIBRARY directory will be used in the example. The following is a brief description of each example program on this diskette. \SAMPLES\DLC1 C language full duplex Interrupt \ DMA loop-back example using HDLC\SDLC type framing. \ETC Directory of miscellaneous source code examples. \SSDR56 The full source code to the diagnostic program SSDR56. This program demonstrates Polling Communication (loopback), Interrupt driven communications, Ram Writes, etc, etc.