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/* This file contains basic parameters required by the Singlesparc
   chip to define the cache & tag. Primary parameters are used 
   to derive secondary terms. 
// Primary parameters (all in bytes unless indicated)
`define ifillcnt 4		/* Icache fill count in double-words */
`define ifillcntmsb 3		/* Icache fill count MSB */
`define dfillcnt 2		/* Dcache fill count in double-words */
`define log2_maxphysize 27      /* max 128Mbyte physical address */
`define mspa (`log2_maxphysize-1)  /* MSB of physical addresses */
`define log2_datasize 3         /* 8 bytes = data width (word - 32 bits) */
`define log2_pagesize 12		/* 4Kbytes is page size */
`define log2_pagesize_msb (`log2_pagesize-1)	/* MSB of page size */

// main memory stuff
//   log2_main_mem_size is a dynamic parameter, defined by the run script.
`define main_mem_size (1<<`log2_main_mem_size)  /* main_mem size in bytes */

// Secondary parameters

//	icache data

`define ic_msb (`log2_icachesize-1) 	/* msb of icache address bit */
`define ic_size (1<<`log2_icachesize) 	/* icache size in bytes */
`define ic_maxbyte (`ic_size-1)		/* icache size msb of no. of bytes */
`define ic_blksize (1<<`log2_iblksize)	/* icache blk size in bytes */
`define ic_iblkmsb (`log2_iblksize-1)   /* icache blk size MSB */
`define ic_msbwordaddr ((`log2_iblksize-`log2_datasize)-1) /* ic word addr */

//	dcache data

`define dc_msb (`log2_dcachesize-1) 	/* msb of dcache address bit */

// Dcache crtl gets all of these DVA bits, since VA bits within the page
//     index are used for PA in small caches.
`define dc_dva_msb ((`log2_dcachesize<`log2_pagesize)?`log2_pagesize_msb:`dc_msb)

`define dc_size (1<<`log2_dcachesize) 	/* dcache size in bytes */
`define dc_maxbyte (`dc_size-1)		/* dcache size msb of no. of bytes */
`define dc_blksize (1<<`log2_dblksize)	/* dcache blk size in bytes */
`define dc_msbwordaddr ((`log2_dblksize-`log2_datasize)-1) /* dc word addr */
`define dc_dblksize_msb  (`log2_dblksize-1)      /* dcache block size MSB */

//	tag array (note: assumes direct mapped caches & valid bit is separate)

//	itag array
`define it_lspa `log2_icachesize   // Vestigial - must remove
`define it_width (31-`log2_icachesize+1) /* width of itag VA field  */
`define it_msb (`it_width-1) 	/* msb of itag VA field */
`define it_blks (`ic_size/`ic_blksize)	/* no. of blks in icache */
`define it_maxblks (`it_blks-1)				/* msb of blks */
`define it_blkaddr (`log2_icachesize-`log2_iblksize) /*  blk addr for itag */
`define it_msbblks ((`log2_icachesize-`log2_iblksize)-1) /* msb of blk addr for itag */

//	dtag array

`define dt_lspa `log2_dcachesize   // Vestigial - must remove
`define dt_lspa_msb (`dt_lspa - 1) // Vestigial - must remove
`define dt_width (31-`log2_dcachesize+1) /* width of dtag data  */
`define dt_msb (`dt_width-1)
`define dt_blks (`dc_size/`dc_blksize)			/* no. of blks in dtag */
`define dt_maxblks (`dt_blks-1)				/* msb of blks */
`define dt_blkaddr (`log2_dcachesize-`log2_dblksize) /*  blk addr for dtag */
`define dt_msbblks ((`log2_dcachesize-`log2_dblksize)-1)  /* msb of blk addr for dtag */

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:02:32 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/rtl/memdef.h

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