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// @(#)defines.v	1.31 3/19/93
 * defines.v
 *  Description:
 *      all the defines for Memory subblock (MCB, DPC, RFR) are made
 *      here. This file must allways accompany other .v & .vpp files
 *      for synopsys or verilog.
 *  Registered:    march 25, 1992
 *  Dependencies:

 *########################## MCB related defines #############################
 *###################--------- mcb.v file ------------########################

/*  Define MMU requests.*/
/*  --------------------       */

`define	MM_ISS   (( mm_issue_req == 1'b1 ) && ~(mm_fb_req == 1'b1))
`define	G_ISS   (( mm_issue_req == 1'b1  ) && (mm_fb_req == 1'b1))
//`define MM_NOP   ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'h0 ) /* No requests*/
`define MM_RD8   ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'h1 ) /* 8byte (dword) read.*/
`define MM_RD16  ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'h2 ) /* 16byte Rd (DC & SBus)*/
`define MM_RD32  ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'h4 ) /* 32byte Rd (IC & SBus)*/
`define MM_WR1   ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'h9 ) /* byte Wr.*/
`define MM_WR2   ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'ha ) /* 2Byte (hword) Wr.*/
`define MM_WR4   ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'hb ) /* 4byte (word) Wr.*/
`define MM_WR8   ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'hc ) /* 8byte (dword) Wr.*/
`define MM_WR16  ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'hd ) /* 16byte (quad-word) Wr.*/
`define MM_WAIT  ( mm_mreq[3:0]==4'h0 ) /* Release int. data bus.*/

`define MM_RDX	 ( mm_mreq[3]==1'b0)

//`define MM_REQ   ((`MM_ISS) && (mm_mreq[3:0] != 4'h0))
`define MM_REQ   (`MM_ISS)
`define MM_REQ2   (( mm_issue_req2 == 1'b1 ) && ~(mm_fb_req == 1'b1))
`define G_REQ   (`G_ISS)
`define G_REQ2   (( mm_issue_req2 == 1'b1  ) && (mm_fb_req == 1'b1))

/*  Define RFR request.*/
/*  --------------------*/
`define     RF_REQ      ((rf_rreq_l == 1'b0) & ~( mm_issue_req_early == 1'b1 ))
`define     SREF_REQ    ((mm_rf_cntl_3 == 1'b1) & ~( mm_issue_req_early == 1'b1 ))

/*  Define PRECHARGE-EARLY request.*/
//`define     PRECHARGE 1'b0

/*  Define Level-1 (major) states. (L1)*/
/*  ===================================*/
`define     STATE       fnc_mcb_sm[]
`define     L1_RESET    9'h000    /* Init everything.*/
`define     L1_WAIT     9'h001    /* Wait for 200us RAM init timeout*/
`define     L1_CBR      9'h002    /*  Start 8 CbR cycles for RAM init.*/
`define     L1_IDLE     9'h080    /* Waiting for a request*/
`define     L1_CHECK    9'h081    /* Check for late MMU reqs*/

/*  Define Level-2 (secondary) states. (L2)*/
/*  =======================================*/
`define     L2_CYCEND   9'h003

/*  Define Level-3  states. (L3)*/
/*  ============================*/
`define     L3_CBR01    9'h008  /* Cas before RAS cycles.*/
`define     L3_CBR02    9'h009
`define     L3_CBR03    9'h00a
`define     L3_CBR04    9'h00b
`define     L3_CBR05    9'h00c
`define     L3_CBR06    9'h00d
`define     L3_CBR07    9'h00e
`define     L3_SRF01    9'h051

`define     L3_RDP01    9'h041  /* Read page or end of non-p0age */
`define	    L3_RDP01T	9'h045
//`define	    L3_RDP01U	8'h061	/* for 85 MHZ */
`define     L3_RDP02A   9'h010
`define     L3_RDP02B   9'h011

`define     L3_RDM01    9'h021  /* Read multiple longwords (16 0r 32) */
`define     L3_RDM02    9'h022
`define     L3_RDM03    9'h023
`define     L3_RDM03T   9'h046
//`define     L3_RDM03U   9'h062
`define     L3_RDM04    9'h024
`define     L3_RDM05    9'h025
`define     L3_RDM06    9'h026
`define     L3_RDM06T   9'h047
//`define     L3_RDM06U   9'h063
`define     L3_RDM07    9'h027
`define     L3_RDM08    9'h028
`define     L3_RDM09    9'h029
`define     L3_RDM09T   9'h048
//`define     L3_RDM09U   9'h064
`define     L3_RDP01S   9'h070
`define     L3_RDP01SX   9'h071     // YS

`define     L3_RAS01    9'h042  /* RAS precharge and RAS, WE and CAS asserts */
// Add state for RAS_l precharge
`define     L3_RAS01X    9'h044  /* extra RAS precharge and RAS, WE and CAS asserts */
`define     L3_RAS02    9'h02a
`define     L3_RAS02X   9'h04b
`define     L3_RAS03    9'h02b
`define     L3_RAS03X   9'h02e     // YS
`define     L3_RAS04    9'h02c
//`define     L3_RAS04X   9'h04a
//`define     L3_RAS04Y   9'h060

`define     L3_RAS05    9'h02d
//`define     L3_RAS06    9'h02e

`define     L3_WRP01    9'h043
`define     L3_WRP02    9'h012
`define     L3_WRP02W   9'h017
`define     L3_WRP03A   9'h013
`define     L3_WRP03B   9'h014
`define     L3_WRP03C   9'h04c
`define     L3_WRP04    9'h04d
`define     L3_WRP05    9'h04e
`define     L3_WRP06    9'h04f

`define     L3_RMWP01   9'h015
`define     L3_RMWP02   9'h016
`define     L3_RMWP02X  9'h049

//define graphic states starting 90

`define     L3_SYNC  	9'h090
`define     L3_GRDT1  	9'h091
`define     L3_GRDT2  	9'h092
`define     L3_GRDT3  	9'h093
`define     L3_GRDT4  	9'h094
`define     L3_GRDT5  	9'h095
`define     L3_GRDT6  	9'h096
`define     L3_GRDT7  	9'h097
`define     L3_GRDT8  	9'h098
`define     L3_GRDT9  	9'h099
`define     L3_GRDTA  	9'h09a
`define     L3_GRDTB  	9'h09b
`define     L3_GRDTC  	9'h0b1
`define     L3_GRDTD  	9'h0b2
`define     L3_GRDTE  	9'h0b3
`define     L3_GRDTF  	9'h0b4
`define     L3_GRDTG  	9'h0b5
`define     L3_GRDTH  	9'h0b6
`define     L3_GRDTI  	9'h0b7
`define     L3_GRDTJ  	9'h0b8
`define     L3_GRDTK  	9'h0b9
`define     L3_GRDTL  	9'h0ba
`define     L3_GRDTM  	9'h0bb
`define     L3_GRDTN  	9'h0bc
`define     L3_GWRT1  	9'h0a1
`define     L3_GWRT2  	9'h0a2
`define     L3_GWRT3  	9'h0a3
`define     L3_GWRT4  	9'h0a4
`define     L3_GWRT5  	9'h0a5
`define     L3_GWRT6  	9'h0a6
`define     L3_GWRT7  	9'h0a7
`define     L3_GWRT8  	9'h0a8
`define     L3_GROT3  	9'h0ab
`define     L3_GHIT1    9'h0ac
`define     L3_GHIT2    9'h0ad
// states for cyc_end
`define     L3_GRDTX  	9'h0c1
`define     L3_GWRTB    9'h0c2
define     L3_GWRTC    9'h0c3
define     L3_GWRTD    9'h0c4
define     L3_GWRTE    9'h0c5
define     L3_GWRTF    9'h0c6
define     L3_GWRTG    9'h0c7
define     L3_GWRTH    9'h0c8

/* change decode to make read and write have cyc_type[5:4] fixed for late read size.*/
/*  Define  cycle types stored in cyc_reg*/
/*  ======================================*/
`define     CBR         7'h10  /* Cas before Ras refresh cycle*/
`define     DRD32N      7'h02  /* Non-Paged 32byte DRAM Rd (4 accesses)*/
`define     DRD32P      7'h03  /* Paged 32byte DRAM Rd (4 accesses)*/
`define     DRD16N      7'h04  /* Non-Paged 16byte DRAM Rd (2 accesses)*/
`define     DRD16P      7'h05  /* Paged 16byte DRAM Rd (2 accesses)*/
`define     DRD8N       7'h06  /* Non-Paged 8byte DRAM Rd*/
`define     DRD8P       7'h07  /* Paged 8byte DRAM Rd*/
`define     DRMW2N      7'h18  /* Non-Paged 2byte DRAM Wr (Rd followed by Wr)*/
`define     DRMW2P      7'h19  /* Paged 2byte DRAM Wr (Rd followed by Wr)*/
`define     DRMW1N      7'h1a  /* Non-Paged 1byte DRAM Wr (Rd followed by Wr)*/
`define     DRMW1P      7'h1b  /* Paged 1byte DRAM Wr (Rd followed by Wr)*/
`define     DWR8N       7'h1c  /* Non-Paged 8byte DRAM Wr*/
`define     DWR8P       7'h1d  /* Paged 8byte DRAM Wr*/
`define     DWR4N       7'h1e  /* Non-Paged 4byte DRAM Wr*/
`define     DWR4P       7'h17  /* Paged 4byte DRAM Wr*/
`define     DWR16N      7'h11  /* Non-Paged 16byte DRAM Wr*/
`define     DWR16P      7'h12  /* Paged 16byte DRAM Wr*/
`define     SREF        7'h13  /* self-refresh cycle */

`define     NONE        7'h1f  /* NO CYCLES.. In L2_CHECK or L1_??? */

/* following definition is changed for timing reason. */
`define     GRD8P       7'h20  /* Paged 8byte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRD16P      7'h23  /* Paged 16byte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRD32P      7'h26  /* Paged 32byte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRDPX       (cyc_reg[5:3]==3'b100)  /* Paged anybyte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRDPXT      (cyctype[5:3]==3'b100)  /* Paged anybyte graphics Rd*/

`define     GRD8H       7'h28  /* update hi-row 8byte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRD16H      7'h2b  /* update hi-row 16byte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRD32H      7'h2e  /* update hi-row 32byte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRDHX       (cyc_reg[5:3]==3'b101)/*non Paged anybyte graphics Rd*/
`define     GRDHXT      (cyctype[5:3]==3'b101)/*non Paged anybyte graphics Rd*/

//`define     GRD8P       7'h20  /* Paged 8byte graphics Rd*/
//`define     GRD8H       7'h22  /* update hi-row 8byte graphics Rd*/
//`define     GRD16P       7'h23  /* Paged 16byte graphics Rd*/
//`define     GRD16H       7'h25  /* update hi-row 16byte graphics Rd*/
//`define     GRD32P       7'h26  /* Paged 32byte graphics Rd*/
//`define     GRD32H       7'h28  /* update hi-row 32byte graphics Rd*/

/* following definition is changed for timing reason. */
`define     GWR8P       7'h30  /* Paged 8byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR4P       7'h36  /* Paged 4byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR2P       7'h34  /* Paged 2byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR1P       7'h35  /* Paged 1byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR16P      7'h33  /* Paged 16byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWRPX       (cyc_reg[5:3]==3'b110)  /* Paged anybyte graphics WR*/

`define     GWR8H       7'h38  /* update hi-row 8byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR4H       7'h3e  /* update hi-row 4byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR2H       7'h3c  /* update hi-row 2byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR1H       7'h3d  /* update hi-row 1byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWR16H      7'h3b  /* update hi-row 16byte graphics WR*/
`define     GWRHX       (cyc_reg[5:3]==3'b111)  /* n-Paged anybyte graphics WR*/

//`define     GWR8P       7'h30  /* Paged 8byte graphics WR*/
//`define     GWR8H       7'h32  /* update hi-row 8byte graphics WR*/
//`define     GWR4P       7'h36  /* Paged 4byte graphics WR*/ 
//`define     GWR4H       7'h38  /* update hi-row 4byte graphics WR*/
//`define     GWR2P       7'h39  /* Paged 2byte graphics WR*/ 
//`define     GWR2H       7'h3b  /* update hi-row 2byte graphics WR*/
//`define     GWR1P       7'h3c  /* Paged 1byte graphics WR*/ 
//`define     GWR1H       7'h3e  /* update hi-row 1byte graphics WR*/
//`define     GWR16P       7'h33  /* Paged 16byte graphics WR*/
//`define     GWR16H       7'h35  /* update hi-row 16byte graphics WR*/

/*  Miscl defines for commonly used stuff   */
/*  ========================================*/
`define     IS_PAGE     (is_page == 1'b1)
`define     G_PAGE      (mm_fb_page == 1'b1)
`define     NO_PAGE     (is_page == 1'b0)
`define     NG_PAGE      (~`G_PAGE)
`define     UPDATE_HI      (~`G_PAGE  )

 *########################## DPC related defines #############################
 *###################--------- dpc.v file ------------########################

`define     WR_RMW      ( mc_dpct[5] == 1'b0 )
`define     RD          ( mc_dpct[5] == 1'b1 )
`define     BYTE        ( mc_dpct[4:3] == 2'b00 )
`define     HWORD       ( mc_dpct[4:3] == 2'b01 )
`define     WRD_DWRD    ( mc_dpct[4] == 1'b1 )
`define     DWORD       ( mc_dpct[4:3] == 2'b3 )
`define     HI32        ( mc_dpct[2] == 1'b0 )
`define     LO32        ( mc_dpct[2] == 1'b1 )
`define     PA0         mc_dpct[0]
`define     PA1         mc_dpct[1]

*########################## DRAM related defines #############################
*###################--------- dram.v file ------------########################

`define     Index_Size  100 //Size of the index array for DRAM model in dram_index.v file.
`define     CBR_REF     4'b0000 
`define     READ        4'b0001 
`define     WRITE       4'b0010 
`define     NOCAS       4'b1111 
`define     NORAS       8'b11111111 

`define     ASSERTED    1 
`define     NEGATED     0
`define     YES         1
`define     NO          0


*########################## Debug Env. #######################################
*################------------ mem.v --------------############################

`define Msystem	Msystem
`define reset		`Msystem.reset
`define sys_clk		`Msystem.SYS_CLK

`define Mclocks	Mclocks
`define cycle_count	`Mclocks.cycle_count
`define reset_in	`Mclocks.RESET_IN
//`define SSPARC	`Msystem.ssparc
//`define mclk		`SSPARC.clock
`define mm_caddr	`SSPARC_CORE.mm_caddr
`define mm_issue_req	`SSPARC_CORE.mm_issue_req
`define mm_iss_req_early `SSPARC_CORE.mm_issue_req_early
//`define mm_mreq		`SSPARC.ssparc_memif.mm_mreq
// IIe note : Moved the definitions to mem.v
// put the mm_mreq back for now 5-1-96 JP

//       `define mm_mreq         `SSPARC.memif_major.mm_mreq
//       `define mm_rf_cntl      `SSPARC.memif_major.mm_rf_cntl
// `else
       `define mm_mreq         `SSPARC_CORE.ssparc_memif.mm_mreq
       `define mm_rf_cntl      `SSPARC_CORE.ssparc_memif.mm_rf_cntl
// `endif

/*`define       mm_rf_cntl      `SSPARC.ssparc_memif.mm_rf_cntl */


/* commented out by NeilOS due to conflict with MEM defined in opcode.h */

/* `define MEM	`SSPARC_CORE.ssparc_memif.memif_major.mcb.mem */

`define RFR     `SSPARC_CORE.ssparc_memif.memif_major.rfr
//`define	rf_rreq_l	`RFR.rf_rreq_l

// These definitions specify the type of bus request by Falcon.

`define	AFX_REQ (mm_afx_req == 1'b1) 
`define AFX_WR8 ((mm_afx_req == 1'b1) && (mm_afx_read == 1'b0))
`define AFX_RD8 ((mm_afx_req == 1'b1) && (mm_afx_read == 1'b1))

// The cycle type register is now 7 bits, with the 7th
// bit defines a Falcon requested cycle.
`define FDRD8N 7'h46 	// Non-page 8 byte DRAM read.
`define FDRD8P 7'h47 	// Page 8 byte DRAM read.
`define FDWR8N 7'h5c 	// Non-page 8 byte DRAM write.
`define FDWR8P 7'h5d 	// Page 8 byte DRAM write.

// Define Level-3 states (L3) exclusive for the AFX master cycles.
// Theses states are synchronized with the g_clk.
// The 9th bit defines AFX master cycles. 
`define L3_G_SYNC     9'h181  // Once the IIe grant the bus to Falcon, the 
			      // MCB state machine moves to this state the
			      // synchronic with g_clk.

`define L3_G_RAS01    9'h142  // RAS precharge and RAS, WE and CAS asserts 
`define L3_G_RAS01X   9'h144  // extra RAS precharge and RAS, WE and CAS asserts
`define L3_G_RAS01XX  9'h145  // extra RAS precharge and RAS, WE and CAS asserts YS.
`define L3_G_RAS02    9'h12a
`define L3_G_RAS03    9'h12b
`define L3_G_RAS03X   9'h153  // Last RAS cycle for DRAM read.
`define L3_G_RAS04    9'h12c  // Last RAS cycle for DRAM write.
`define L3_G_RAS05    9'h12d  // Last RAS cycle for DRAM read.
			      // at 125MHz.

// Falcon read cycle states.
`define L3_G_RDP01    9'h141  // Read page or end of non-page read.
`define L3_G_RDP02A   9'h110
`define L3_G_RDP02B   9'h111
`define L3_G_CAS175   9'h120
`define L3_G_RDP175   9'h109
`define L3_G_RDM01    9'h121
`define L3_G_RDM02    9'h122
`define L3_G_RDM03    9'h123
`define L3_G_RDM04    9'h124
`define L3_G_RDM05    9'h125
`define L3_G_RDM06    9'h126
`define L3_G_RDM07    9'h127
`define L3_G_RDM08    9'h128
`define L3_G_RDM09    9'h129
`define L3_G_WAIT1    9'h130
`define L3_G_WAIT2    9'h131

This page: Created:Thu Aug 19 12:00:13 1999
From: ../../../sparc_v8/system/rtl/memif_defs.h

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