CONV_ACS,, Tue Sep 22 18:19:56 1998 Symbol 'MD1' not found in project libraries Symbol 'MD0' not found in project libraries Missing port 'I' in '$I37(MD0)' Missing port 'O' in '$I35(MD1)' Macro 'HEX2LED' not exported. File 'C:\FNDTN\ACTIVE\PROJECTS\WATCH_SC\HEX2LED.xnf' exists Macro 'STMACH_V' not exported. File 'C:\FNDTN\ACTIVE\PROJECTS\WATCH_SC\STMACH_V.xnf' exists Total number of instances: 181 Total number of nets: 277 EDIF netlist exported to file - C:\FNDTN\ACTIVE\PROJECTS\WATCH_SC\watch_sc.edn