EDIF netlist 'c:\fndation\tutorial\complete\watch_sc\xproj\ver1\rev1\TIME_SIM.EDN' loading v. EDIF parser completed successfully Loading - c:\fndation\tutorial\complete\watch_sc\xproj\ver1\rev1\time_sim.edn Info 9240: The following node is sourceless: NODE: H1.DEBUG_CLK_8M, $Net00001_. Info 9240: The following node is sourceless: NODE: H1.SYS_CLK_15HZ, $Net00002_. Warning 9243: Power point is connected to the output pin: NODE: H1.GND, GND.OUT, GND. Info 9240: The following node is sourceless: NODE: U1.GSR, H1.GSR, U2.GSR, L1.GSR, GSR. Loading - _H6 Loading - _H7 Loading - _H9 Loading - H1 Info 9239: The following node is loadless: NODE: $I36.OUT, $Net00003_. Info 9240: The following node is sourceless: NODE: $I33.IN, $Net00004_. Loading - H1___I25 Loading - H1___I28 Loading - H1___I29 Loading - L1 Loading - U1 Loading - U1___I5 Loading - U1___I5_Q0 Loading - U1___I5_Q0___1I35 Loading - U1___I5_Q0___1I35___1I42 Loading - U1___I5_Q1 Loading - U1___I5_Q1___1I35 Loading - U1___I5_Q1___1I35___1I42 Loading - U1___I5_Q2 Loading - U1___I5_Q2___1I35 Loading - U1___I5_Q2___1I35___1I42 Loading - U1___I5_Q3 Loading - U1___I5_Q3___1I35 Loading - U1___I5_Q3___1I35___1I42 Loading - U1___I6 Loading - U2 Loading - U4 Loading - U5 SIMUL NODE: GND, H1/GN. Info 9240: The following node is sourceless: NODE: $Net00002_, H1/SYS_CLK_15HZ, H1/$I28/D0 Info 9240: The following node is sourceless: NODE: $Net00001_, H1/DEBUG_CLK_8M, H1/$I25/C, H1/$I29/C =============================== EDIF Netlist Loading Statistics =============================== Number of hierarchical blocks: 27 Total number of cell types: 39 Total number of cell instances: 666 Total number of EDIF blocks: 26 Total number of models taken from libraries: 7 Total number of automatic/internal models: 5 Total number of missing models: 0 Total number of signals (block ports and labels): 836 Total number of labels: 586 Total number of nets: 832 Total number of net elements: 2642 Total number of generic values: 464 Total number of port generic values: 377 Memory usage statistics: Total number of allocated memory blocks: 10174 (862) Total number of memory reallocations: 1 Total length of memory used to load the netlist: 1018 kB (18) Total length of memory used by EDIF parser: 500 kB Number of system memory blocks (total/long): 7/0 Netlist loaded in: 4 seconds Parsing time: 1 seconds ===============================