-- -- File: C:\Fndtn\Active\projects\ACADEMY\stmach_v.vhd -- created: 10/18/98 16:05:25 -- from: 'C:\Fndtn\Active\projects\ACADEMY\stmach_v.asf' -- by fsm2hdl - version: -- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.ATTRIBUTES.all; entity stmach_v is port (CLK: in STD_LOGIC; reset: in STD_LOGIC; strtstop: in STD_LOGIC; clkout: out STD_LOGIC; rst: out STD_LOGIC); end; architecture stmach_v_arch of stmach_v is -- BINARY ENCODED state machine: stopwtch type stopwtch_type is (CLEAR, counting, start, stop, stopped, zero); attribute enum_encoding : string; attribute enum_encoding of stopwtch_type: type is "000 " & -- CLEAR "001 " & -- counting "010 " & -- start "011 " & -- stop "100 " & -- stopped "101"; -- zero signal stopwtch: stopwtch_type; begin --concurrent signal assignments --diagram ACTIONS; stopwtch_machine: process (CLK, reset) begin if reset = '1' then stopwtch <= CLEAR; elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then case stopwtch is when CLEAR => stopwtch <= zero; when counting => if strtstop = '0' then stopwtch <= counting; elsif strtstop ='1' then stopwtch <= stop; end if; when start => if strtstop = '1' then stopwtch <= start; elsif strtstop = '0' then stopwtch <= counting; end if; when stop => if strtstop = '1' then stopwtch <= stop; elsif strtstop = '0' then stopwtch <= stopped; end if; when stopped => if strtstop = '0' then stopwtch <= stopped; elsif strtstop = '1' then stopwtch <= start; end if; when zero => if strtstop = '0' then stopwtch <= zero; elsif strtstop = '1' then stopwtch <= start; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; -- signal assignment statements for combinatorial outputs clkout_assignment: clkout <= '1' when (stopwtch = counting) else '1' when (stopwtch = start) else '0' when (stopwtch = stop) else '0' when (stopwtch = stopped) else '0' when (stopwtch = zero) else '0'; rst_assignment: rst <= '0' when (stopwtch = counting) else '0' when (stopwtch = start) else '0' when (stopwtch = stop) else '0' when (stopwtch = stopped) else '0' when (stopwtch = zero) else '1'; end stmach_v_arch;